The Housing Lark Quiz | One Week Quiz A

Sam Selvon
This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 208 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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The Housing Lark Quiz | One Week Quiz A

Sam Selvon
This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 208 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This quiz consists of 5 multiple choice and 5 short answer questions through Section 4: Pages 76-100.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. When, on page 83, the narrator says that "Trinidadians does thirst after fete as pants the hart for crystal streams," what is the Trinidadians' love for "fete" being compared to?
(a) A deer's love of clear running water.
(b) A rabbit's love of shiny and reflective surfaces.
(c) The human love of beautiful clothing and jewelry.
(d) The human heart's response to nature.

2. When Nobby says that his motto is not to interfere in another man's business, what question is he responding to?
(a) Whether they should tell Harry not to trust Bat.
(b) Whether they should tell Harry that Jean is a sex worker.
(c) Whether they should ask Bat to drop Gallows from the plan to buy a house.
(d) Whether Gallows should report Harry for smoking.

3. What does the narrator say the West Indian term "buttards" means (92)?
(a) The habit of repeatedly interrupting or talking over others.
(b) The scrapings of food left at the bottom of the pot.
(c) A payment to be allowed to enter a game.
(d) A person who is always the target of a group's humor.

4. After Nobby gets rid of his dog, what does he tell his landlady happened to it?
(a) It was poisoned.
(b) It fell from his balcony.
(c) It died in surgery.
(d) It ran away because the door was open.

5. What suggestion does Bat make after Syl accuses Bat of deliberately taking him to an area where the hotels will refuse him?
(a) They can go back to the apartment, and Bat will stay upstairs with his sister and Matilda while Pat and Syl sleep downstairs.
(b) They can go to Tottenham Court Road and ask his three friends from Barbados to let Pat and Syl stay there.
(c) They can go to an all-night restaurant in Piccadilly Circus and then Pat can catch a morning train to work.
(d) They can go to Hyde Park and ask his sister which hotels will rent rooms to Black patrons.

Short Answer Questions

1. What obstacle does Gallows encounter at the first estate agent office he goes into?

2. When Pat first announces that she has no intention of sharing a hotel room with Syl, what does Bat say in response?

3. According to the narrator, why is the idea of the excursion so popular in Brixton?

4. When Matilda asks Jean about marrying Harry, what is Jean's first objection to Harry?

5. Which of the friends sees Harry as he is being led away by the two men?

(see the answer key)

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