The House With a Clock in Its Walls Test | Final Test - Medium

John Bellairs
This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 142 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

The House With a Clock in Its Walls Test | Final Test - Medium

John Bellairs
This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 142 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 5 multiple choice questions, 5 short answer questions, and 10 short essay questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. Why did Izard need a Doomsday Clock, as discussed in Chapter Eight?
(a) To be prompt.
(b) To turn back time to the perfect Doomsday moment.
(c) To make sure his spells were on time.
(d) To call up ghosts.

2. What do Uncle John, Mrs. Zimmerman, and Lewis see in Chapter Six when they return home from a drive?
(a) They have been vandalized.
(b) The front door is ajar.
(c) The windows of the house are broken.
(d) They have a new neighbor.

3. What question that Lewis asks in Chapter Eight makes Uncle Jonathan angry?
(a) "How did you become a magician? (115).
(b) "Who's living in the old Hanchett house?" (115).
(c) "Why are you so weird?" (115).
(d) "How is God a part of the magician's code?" (115).

4. What does Uncle Jonathan do when Lewis asks him what his words regarding Hammerhandle meant later in Chapter Seven?
(a) Tell Lewis the meaning.
(b) Play chess with Lewis.
(c) Snap at Lewis and go to his study.
(d) Eat dinner in silence.

5. What does Uncle Jonathan say about the Izard's magic in Chapter Ten?
(a) It is logical.
(b) It is useless.
(c) It is outdated.
(d) It is old.

Short Answer Questions

1. What stops the car from chasing them in Chapter Six?

2. Who stops Lewis, Uncle Jonathan, and Mrs. Zimmerman in Chapter Ten from reaching the magic clock?

3. What had Lewis' mother scared him with as a kid, as said in Chapter Seven?

4. What does Lewis see in Chapter Eight on the outside of the mansion?

5. What does Lewis touch on the mantlepiece in the Hanchett's house in Chapter Nine?

Short Essay Questions

1. Where does the eight ball say the magic clock is in Chapter Ten? What do they find when they go there?

2. Who moves in across the street from Barnavelt’s Folly in Chapter Seven? How is this person known in town?

3. How does Uncle Jonathan say in Chapter Six that Izard’s tomb was marked? What did this symbol mean?

4. What does Uncle Jonathan do when the car starts to follow them in Chapter Six? What part of the car reminds Lewis of something, and what does it remind him of?

5. What does Lewis do after he sees his Aunt Mattie in Chapter Eight? What else does he see?

6. What does Lewis see at night in Chapter Seven? What does he think he sees?

7. What does Lewis do when he realizes Mrs. Izard is behind them in Chapter Ten? What does he do?

8. What does Lewis see in the Hanchett house in Chapter Nine? What happens between him and Mrs. Izard?

9. What does Lewis do after he talks to Tarby in Chapter Nine? What does he decide?

10. Why does Lewis feel sick in the beginning of Chapter Seven? What does he realize he has done?

(see the answer keys)

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