Objects & Places from The House With a Clock in Its Walls

John Bellairs
This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 142 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

Objects & Places from The House With a Clock in Its Walls

John Bellairs
This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 142 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
Buy The House With a Clock in Its Walls Lesson Plans

New Zebedee

This is a town in Massachusetts that the main character moves to when his parents are killed. It has interesting, ornate architecture and many secrets within its doors.

Barnavelt's Folly

This is the name of a mansion that was once owned by an evil warlock and now owned by a good magician. The evil warlock hid a ticking timepiece in the walls of the house for a purpose no one knows.

Cauphernum Magicians Society

This is a collection of magicians within a specific county. The good warlocks work and trade in this society together.

Magical Clock

This is an object hidden within the walls of a mansion. It ticks from an unknown location around the mansion for a purpose no one knows.

Izard Mausoleum

This is a mausoleum in a graveyard outside of the town. It contains the wife of a reclusive warlock and mansion owner...

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