The House on Vesper Sands Test | Mid-Book Test - Medium

Paraic O'Donnell
This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 128 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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The House on Vesper Sands Test | Mid-Book Test - Medium

Paraic O'Donnell
This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 128 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 5 multiple choice questions, 5 short answer questions, and 10 short essay questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. What kind of business is Devlin’s?
(a) Carriers.
(b) Carpenters.
(c) Coopers.
(d) Colliers.

2. Into whose care is Gideon remanded while at school in his childhood?
(a) The Anguses.
(b) The McLeishes.
(c) The Strachans.
(d) The Fergusons.

3. What is the name of Octavia’s editor’s deputy?
(a) Mr. Benedict.
(b) Mr. Schwarzenegger.
(c) Mr. Arnold.
(d) Mr. Cumberbatch.

4. With which of the following does Chapter XIV begin?
(a) “On the last day, when Miss Tatton came out onto the back steps, Gideon had been waiting for almost an hour.”
(b) “Soho Square was no great distance from Wardour Street, yet the journey seemed interminable.”
(c) “The driver set them down in Wardour Street and was given an hour to take his supper before returning.”
(d) “By morning, when Octavia presented herself at Strythe House, Mr. Healy had entertained second thoughts about their agreement.”

5. What is the Latin name of the butterfly Gideon first finds in his uncle’s collection?
(a) Acherontia Atropos.
(b) Danaus plexippus.
(c) Inachis io.
(d) Aglais rizana.

Short Answer Questions

1. With which of the following does Chapter XI begin?

2. What establishment does Cutter prefer for dinner?

3. With what does Esther clean her stitches?

4. How many vials does Esther Tull steal from the safe in Strythe’s workroom?

5. In which of the following clubs does Octavia confront her editor?

Short Essay Questions

1. How is Gideon turned out of the church where he spends his first night in London?

2. In their first tutoring session, how does Gideon offend Angela?

3. Angela celebrates her birthday as being 7 May. Why?

4. How does Octavia’s editor initially attempt to alter his agreement with her?

5. How does Cutter describe his landlady’s cooking (133)?

6. What does Neuilly initially note to Gideon as the focus of his ministry?

7. What reason is given for the attempt to prevent Octavia from confronting her editor at his club?

8. Why is Gideon commended to the care of the groundskeeper at his boyhood school?

9. How does George unsettle the police sergeant with whom he converses as he works to help Octavia find information?

10. What sounds does Esther Tull note associate with the safe in Strythe’s workroom?

(see the answer keys)

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