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Name: _________________________ | Period: ___________________ |
This test consists of 5 short answer questions, 10 short essay questions, and 1 (of 3) essay topics.
Short Answer Questions
1. Why does Sebastian refrain from putting the needle onto the record after he leaves Meredith's bed?
2. How long had it actually taken to receive a heart for Jared's heart transplant?
3. When Sebastian emerges from the dome after checking on Nana, what does Jared ask him if Nana is still doing?
4. In return for the loan of the church's bass, what does Janice ask Sebastian to do for her?
5. For how many years has Janice worked at the Immanuel Methodist Church?
Short Essay Questions
1. What are the qualities that Sebastian tells Meredith he likes about her when he calls her up the second time and does not know that it is him?
2. What reason does Jared cite when he tells Sebastian why he had stopped taking his medication?
3. How does Sebastian apply his understanding of sorting to his and Jared's efforts within the songwriting process?
4. What does Sebastian realize about Buckminster Fuller's philosophy after he has his first sexual experience by touching Meredith's breast?
5. What is Sebastian's reaction to the realization that Nana has moved on with completing the geoscope project in his absence?
6. What is the one thing Meredith cites as the quality of Sebastian's that makes him different and is the thing she really likes about him?
7. What is the significance of Meredith thinking Sebastian is Jared at her door and telling him to get away from the door and that she is fine?
8. What does Sebastian learn as a result of having to hide beneath Meredith's bed during her conversation with Janice?
9. What does Janice reveal to Sebastian as the real reason for her role as a youth group leader at Immanuel Methodist Church?
10. What is the big news Jared tells Sebastian about their band the day that Nana kicks Sebastian out of the house?
Essay Topics
Write an essay for ONE of the following topics:
Essay Topic 1
Trace Sebastian's character arc from the beginning of the novel to the end. In what ways does he change, demonstrating the elements of a dynamic character and helping to reinforce the novel's major themes?
Essay Topic 2
What is Nana's function in the novel and what messages does the author get across to the reader through the use of her character?
Essay Topic 3
Discuss the many instances of irony within the novel's narrative and analyze the author's purpose for including each instance you discuss.
This section contains 1,025 words (approx. 4 pages at 300 words per page) |
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