The House of Tomorrow Test | Final Test - Medium

Peter Bognanni
This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 177 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

The House of Tomorrow Test | Final Test - Medium

Peter Bognanni
This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 177 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 5 multiple choice questions, 5 short answer questions, and 10 short essay questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. What band does Jared say he and Sebastian sound "kind of like" (148) when they play their first notes together during practice?
(a) The Misfits.
(b) The Cramps.
(c) Gang of Four.
(d) The Damned.

2. What is the name of the song Jared tries to listen to at least once a day?
(a) California uber Alles.
(b) Don't Eat Stuff Off the Sidewalk.
(c) I Wanna Be Sedated.
(d) I Wanna Be Your Dog.

3. Where does Sebastian hide when Janice comes into Meredith's room to find out what all the noise is about?
(a) In the closet.
(b) On the window ledge.
(c) Under the bed.
(d) In the bathroom.

4. What is the name of the newspaper that runs a less than flattering story about the geodesic dome?
(a) North Branch Tribune.
(b) North Branch Courier.
(c) North Branch Herald.
(d) North Branch Gazette.

5. After his ejection from Harvard, Buckminster Fuller's parents had sent him to be an apprentice in a textiles factory in what Canadian province?
(a) The Northern Territories.
(b) Manitoba.
(c) British Columbia.
(d) Quebec.

Short Answer Questions

1. What kind of memory does Janice say Jared has when it comes to his dad?

2. What has Nana been drinking when Sebastian returns from the Whitcombs' house and finds her on the front lawn?

3. What two qualities does Sebastian pronounce as making for a good song topic?

4. What does Janice instruct Meredith and Sebastian to eat for dinner when she drops them off at the Whitcombs' before going back to the hospital to stay with Jared?

5. What tune is Jared humming while he is unconscious and is being carried to the van during his rejection episode?

Short Essay Questions

1. What reason does Meredith give Sebastian for the way she treats Jared?

2. What does Jared retrieve from the closet once he sees how worried Sebastian is about Nana the day he has been kicked out of Nana's house?

3. To whom does Sebastian hear Janice talking on the phone when he gets back to the Whitcombs' house after he and Meredith finish hanging gig posters?

4. What reason does Jared cite when he tells Sebastian why he had stopped taking his medication?

5. What does Jared reveal to Sebastian during the second youth group meeting as the real reason he has been struck ill?

6. What does Janice reveal to Sebastian as the real reason for her role as a youth group leader at Immanuel Methodist Church?

7. What reason does Jared give Sebastian for why their band "needs to be awesome" (157)?

8. How does Sebastian apply his understanding of sorting to his and Jared's efforts within the songwriting process?

9. What is the significance of Meredith thinking Sebastian is Jared at her door and telling him to get away from the door and that she is fine?

10. What are the qualities that Sebastian tells Meredith he likes about her when he calls her up the second time and does not know that it is him?

(see the answer keys)

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