The House of Tomorrow Test | Final Test - Medium

Peter Bognanni
This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 177 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

The House of Tomorrow Test | Final Test - Medium

Peter Bognanni
This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 177 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 5 multiple choice questions, 5 short answer questions, and 10 short essay questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. Sebastian tells Jared that his late father used to cut the lawn with what object?
(a) A weed whacker.
(b) A pair of gardening shears.
(c) A riding lawnmower.
(d) A pair of nail clippers.

2. What is the first chord that Sebastian is able to produce perfectly on the bass?
(a) C major.
(b) G major.
(c) F minor.
(d) A minor.

3. At the top of their songwriting notebook, Jared draws a skull and what other object?
(a) An anarchy symbol.
(b) An upside down cross.
(c) An upside down peace sign.
(d) A pentagram.

4. What does Meredith admit to being afraid of at the age of 17?
(a) Spiders.
(b) Bats.
(c) The dark.
(d) Death.

5. About what location does Nana ask Sebastian out of the blue whether he has ever visited, causing him to think she really is clairvoyant?
(a) A chapel.
(b) A library.
(c) A regular family home.
(d) A record store.

Short Answer Questions

1. In addition to telling Sebastian that he hopes he has been practicing the bass, what else does Jared say he hopes Sebastian has been doing prior to their first band practice?

2. How many times does Meredith say that Jared has been through a rejection episode with his new heart?

3. How long had it actually taken to receive a heart for Jared's heart transplant?

4. Why does Sebastian refrain from putting the needle onto the record after he leaves Meredith's bed?

5. Sebastian's research reveals that one of the first groups to use the word punk had been what kind of an entity?

Short Essay Questions

1. What is Jared's reaction to Sebastian catching Meredith when Sebastian catches her after her fall from the balance beam and why?

2. To whom does Sebastian hear Janice talking on the phone when he gets back to the Whitcombs' house after he and Meredith finish hanging gig posters?

3. What does Nana reveal she thinks has caused Sebastian to stay out all night when he returns from staying the night at Jared's house?

4. What is the process of sorting according to Buckminster Fuller's philosophy?

5. What is Sebastian's reaction to the realization that Nana has moved on with completing the geoscope project in his absence?

6. What does Sebastian learn as a result of having to hide beneath Meredith's bed during her conversation with Janice?

7. What does Jared tell Sebastian a band has to do, no matter how angry their songs are?

8. What does Jared reveal to Sebastian during the second youth group meeting as the real reason he has been struck ill?

9. What does Janice cite as the destiny of all mothers?

10. What are the qualities that Sebastian tells Meredith he likes about her when he calls her up the second time and does not know that it is him?

(see the answer keys)

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