The House of Tomorrow Test | Mid-Book Test - Medium

Peter Bognanni
This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 177 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

The House of Tomorrow Test | Mid-Book Test - Medium

Peter Bognanni
This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 177 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 5 multiple choice questions, 5 short answer questions, and 10 short essay questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. What brand of cigarettes does Jared smoke?
(a) Marlboros.
(b) Camels.
(c) American Spirits.
(d) Lucky Strikes.

2. What does the strong vinegary odor in Jared's room turn out to be?
(a) Disinfectant.
(b) Urine.
(c) Gin.
(d) Medication.

3. When Sebastian receives an email from Jared after his first visit to the Whitcombs' house, what does Jared write that he will do if Sebastian ever tries to touch him again?
(a) He will beat his ass.
(b) He will tell Janice.
(c) He will never speak to him again.
(d) He will throw a rock through the dome's glass.

4. When Jared asks Sebastian to start a band with him, he says he needs somebody who will do what he says, not someone with a real what?
(a) A flair for music.
(b) Chops.
(c) Talent.
(d) Personality.

5. Jared says he does not play his electric guitar at the church because it would make God so mad that He would have to take what action?
(a) Blow up the chapel.
(b) Kill Jared.
(c) Strangle an angel.
(d) Send another flood.

Short Answer Questions

1. What band's first album does Jared play for Sebastian just after he warns him to prepare for "having his shit rocked"? (21)

2. Nana tells Sebastian that an education means knowing how to do what?

3. What drink does Sebastian experience for the first time to accompany his first grilled cheese sandwich ever?

4. In what town do Sebastian and Nana live?

5. What does Janice instruct the youth group members to write on their note cards that they will then burn?

Short Essay Questions

1. What is the significance of Buckminster Fuller's suicide attempt?

2. What element of the pictures he finds of Sid Vicious does Sebastian find inspirational and encouraging?

3. What is the significance of the scene in which Jared shows his scar?

4. How do Nana's past predictions about Sebastian's path contrast with her pronouncements about him after her stroke?

5. What is the significance of Sebastian's first experience in a record store?

6. What reason does Jared give for naming Napoleon as the first punk rocker?

7. What is the significance of Sebastian's secret password for the computer in the dome?

8. How do Nana's first comments to Sebastian in the hospital foreshadow coming events?

9. What is the first question Jared asks Sebastian after he is told that Sebastian may sound funny to others since he hardly ever leaves the dome?

10. What is the significance of the framed photographs of the dome that Nana and Sebastian sell in their gift shop?

(see the answer keys)

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