The House of Tomorrow Test | Final Test - Easy

Peter Bognanni
This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 177 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

The House of Tomorrow Test | Final Test - Easy

Peter Bognanni
This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 177 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 15 multiple choice questions and 5 short answer questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. For how many hours does Sebastian sleep after he gets kicked out of Nana's house and passes out in Janice's van?
(a) Twelve.
(b) Five.
(c) Ten.
(d) Three.

2. After his ejection from Harvard, Buckminster Fuller's parents had sent him to be an apprentice in a textiles factory in what Canadian province?
(a) Manitoba.
(b) Quebec.
(c) British Columbia.
(d) The Northern Territories.

3. After Jared announces that The Rash have band tee shirts and a gig, what does he say is the only thing they still need?
(a) Songs.
(b) Nerve.
(c) A drummer.
(d) Groupies.

4. Before they begin their first band practice, what simile does Sebastian use to describe the sounds their instruments make one they are plugged in?
(a) Like cicadas.
(b) Like crickets.
(c) Like praying mantises.
(d) Like katydids.

5. In order to get Janice off her case, what does Meredith say she has been staying up late doing?
(a) Studying for a biology test.
(b) Thinking about her dad.
(c) Meditating.
(d) Applying for college.

6. During the time Sebastian works on the Geoscope with Nana during the day, what does he do at night?
(a) Practices the bass.
(b) Dreams about Meredith.
(c) Searches for pictures of his parents.
(d) Conducts web searches about punk music.

7. What does Jared tell Sebastian is the last thing they want as a band?
(a) A record deal.
(b) Talent.
(c) Awards.
(d) Groupies.

8. At the top of their songwriting notebook, Jared draws a skull and what other object?
(a) A pentagram.
(b) An anarchy symbol.
(c) An upside down peace sign.
(d) An upside down cross.

9. When Sebastian telepathically tells Nana to talk to him, what adjective does he use to describe her state?
(a) Attuned.
(b) Sorted.
(c) Ready.
(d) Poised.

10. What drug does Janice say that Jared still has in his system upon his return from the hospital?
(a) Valium.
(b) Morphine.
(c) Thorazine.
(d) Fentanyl.

11. When Sebastian tries to call the dome and Nana finally picks up the phone, what name does she yell into the phone at who she believes is another person calling to harass her?
(a) Beasts.
(b) Vermin.
(c) Bloodsuckers.
(d) Bedbugs.

12. What is the title of the first song that Jared and Sebastian write together?
(a) Stupid School.
(b) Stupid Life.
(c) Stupid Dog.
(d) Stupid Sucks.

13. How many copies of the handmade poster mentioning The Rash do Sebastian and Meredith make and post in their first round of marketing?
(a) 300.
(b) 50.
(c) 100.
(d) 200.

14. What band does Jared say he and Sebastian sound "kind of like" (148) when they play their first notes together during practice?
(a) The Cramps.
(b) The Damned.
(c) Gang of Four.
(d) The Misfits.

15. What tune is Jared humming while he is unconscious and is being carried to the van during his rejection episode?
(a) Green Fuzz.
(b) I Wanna Be Your Dog.
(c) Teenagers From Mars.
(d) Life on Mars.

Short Answer Questions

1. What is the first chord that Sebastian is able to produce perfectly on the bass?

2. From what source does Sebastian get the money for the supplies for the first round of posters?

3. Where does Sebastian hide when Janice comes into Meredith's room to find out what all the noise is about?

4. When Meredith tells Sebastian that people are always talking about themselves, whom does she say is the one exception?

5. What reason does Jared tell Sebastian that he will likely be released from the hospital soon?

(see the answer keys)

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