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This quiz consists of 5 multiple choice and 5 short answer questions through Chapter 14: Experiments in Rocking - Chapter 20: The Mission.
Multiple Choice Questions
1. What is the only item Sebastian finds he can afford at the cafe he wanders into after Nana kicks him out of the house?
(a) Fries.
(b) A grilled cheese sandwich.
(c) Tater tots.
(d) Coffee.
2. What denomination is the church to which the Whitcomb family belongs?
(a) Methodist.
(b) Unitarian.
(c) Catholic.
(d) Lutheran.
3. With what alcohol does Jared spike his and Sebastian's grape soda during their first band practice?
(a) Captain Morgan.
(b) Grey Goose.
(c) Bombay Sapphire.
(d) Absolut Citron.
4. When Jared is mean to Sebastian during their first visit at Jared's house and Sebastian tries to leave, what stops him?
(a) Janice's offer of grilled cheese sandwiches.
(b) Jared's apology.
(c) A rainstorm.
(d) Jared's admission about the source of his room's smell.
5. What side effect of his new medication does Jared admit to Sebastian upon Sebastian's first visit to the Whitcombs' house?
(a) It gives him vertigo.
(b) It makes him have to go to the bathroom frequently.
(c) It makes his vision blurry.
(d) It makes his ears ring.
Short Answer Questions
1. What two qualities does Sebastian pronounce as making for a good song topic?
2. What vision does Nana have when she is attuned to the signals of a Greater Intellect?
3. In what season does the novel's story begin?
4. One of Buckminster Fuller's guiding principles by which Sebastian and Nana live says, "Every day I will give myself wholly to" (7) what?
5. How many qualities that he likes about her does Meredith ask Sebastian on the phone when she does not know who is on the phone?
This section contains 275 words (approx. 1 page at 300 words per page) |
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