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Name: _________________________ | Period: ___________________ |
This quiz consists of 5 multiple choice and 5 short answer questions through Chapter 1: Welcome to the Future - Chapter 6: The True Path of the Voyager.
Multiple Choice Questions
1. What object is present in the framed photographs of Nana and Sebastian's house that Sebastian says no one ever notices unless he points it out?
(a) An American flag.
(b) A trash can.
(c) A sock.
(d) A bird.
2. What is different about Sebastian and Nana's home in relation to the other homes in town?
(a) It is a glass dome.
(b) It is octagonal in shape.
(c) It is made of metal.
(d) It is ten stories tall.
3. What is Sebastian's father doing in the only photograph of him that Sebastian has ever seen?
(a) Spring peanut butter on bread.
(b) Doing a somersault.
(c) Playing tennis.
(d) Lying in bed.
4. When Nana is allowed to go home after three days in the hospital, what are her first words to Sebastian after she calls his name in the night?
(a) "Carry on without me" (30).
(b) "Your parents would be proud" (30).
(c) "I am yours" (30).
(d) "You are mine" (30).
5. For what purpose do the Whitcombs arrive at Sebastian and Nana's house the first time they come?
(a) As part of a cleaning crew.
(b) To sell homeowners' insurance.
(c) As tourists.
(d) To take photographs for the local newspaper.
Short Answer Questions
1. Nana tells Sebastian that he can be just like Buckminster Fuller and can help people become what adjective?
2. What band's first album does Jared play for Sebastian just after he warns him to prepare for "having his shit rocked"? (21)
3. One of Buckminster Fuller's guiding principles says, "I will forge my journey" in a particular way "to keep accepting and totally boneheaded notions from blinding me to truth" (7). What is that the particular way the principle says one's journey should be forged?
4. In what town do Sebastian and Nana live?
5. For what purpose does Sebastian regularly scale his house using suction cups?
This section contains 329 words (approx. 2 pages at 300 words per page) |
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