The House of the Scorpion Test | Final Test - Easy

Nancy Farmer
This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 129 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

The House of the Scorpion Test | Final Test - Easy

Nancy Farmer
This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 129 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 15 multiple choice questions and 5 short answer questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. Why is Ton Ton given a special privilege?
(a) He has been there the longest.
(b) The Keepers think he is stupid.
(c) He is the best at telling secrets of the boys.
(d) He is the smallest boy.

2. What does Raul's talk about individualism promote?
(a) Creativity.
(b) Wisdom.
(c) Team work.
(d) Independence.

3. What is Matt given as he is sent to San Luis?
(a) Envelopes.
(b) Plastic strips.
(c) Pill materials.
(d) Yarn.

4. Who is Maria arranged to marry?
(a) Steven.
(b) Sean.
(c) Tom.
(d) Tam Lin.

5. What is Fidelito's job for the border patrol?
(a) Melting bullets.
(b) Weaving llama hair.
(c) Making vitamin pills.
(d) Sorting mail.

6. What do the Keepers take every night?
(a) Opium.
(b) Marijuana.
(c) Laudanum.
(d) Heroin.

7. What did Fidelito do to keep the Keepers away from Matt?
(a) Pretended their officials were coming.
(b) Locked them up.
(c) Gave them opium.
(d) Sent them in the wrong direction.

8. Who does Tam Lin say showed him the light?
(a) El Patron.
(b) Maria.
(c) Celia.
(d) Matt.

9. Where did Matt get the idea for the advice he gives El Patron when he is sick?
(a) Celia.
(b) Tam Lin.
(c) A book about farming.
(d) St. Francis.

10. Where does Matt ask the border patrol to take him?
(a) Mazatlan.
(b) Molcajate.
(c) San Luis.
(d) Mexico City.

11. Where did El Patron find Tam Lin?
(a) At a major corporation.
(b) In prison.
(c) At the hospital.
(d) In a poor house.

12. What does Fidelito say is unfair about the border patrol jobs?
(a) Everyone has to have the same output.
(b) They do not get enough water to work hard.
(c) Nobody trains them in their jobs.
(d) Sometimes they get beat.

13. What does the border patrol treat Matt like?
(a) A hero.
(b) A guest.
(c) A suspect.
(d) A spy.

14. What has Celia been giving Matt?
(a) Rat poison.
(b) Hemlock.
(c) Scorpion venom.
(d) Arsenic.

15. Why is a rumor spread that Matt is fleeing to the U.S.?
(a) El Patron needs a heart.
(b) Matt is accused of another murder.
(c) Matt learns he will have to donate a kidney to El Patron.
(d) Maria's arranged marriage falls apart.

Short Answer Questions

1. Why does Matt continue on foot once Ton Ton's vehicle dies?

2. What causes Ton Ton's vehicle to shut down?

3. Who did Fidelito used to live with?

4. How does El Patron know Matt is getting older?

5. Why does Matt tell the border patrol he wants to go somewhere specific?

(see the answer keys)

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