Name: _________________________ | Period: ___________________ |
This test consists of 5 short answer questions, 10 short essay questions, and 1 (of 3) essay topics.
Short Answer Questions
1. Who wins the Black Crow award?
2. In Chapter 20, what is Roy's theory for the large influx of recent deaths?
3. What is the first disadvantage listed of all the specialties except psychiatry?
4. By what day do the interns have to have decided where they are going next year?
5. Chuck says that Howie's dose he gave a patient is equivalent to what?
Short Essay Questions
1. What does Nate Zock say he's going to write in his letter to the chief of medicine, Dr. Leggo, the chief resident, and the BMS and House trustees? What did Roy find out later that Nate Zock also did?
2. Why exactly does Chuck get in trouble in chapter 21?
3. What was happening that made the interns all more isolated from one another?
4. What is Roy's clever response to the question posed by 789: "how come you're always going to sleep, and I"m always staying awake?"
5. What is so strange about how Eat My Dust Eddie speaks about his newborn baby?
6. What does Roy see at the Marcel Marceau show that snaps Roy back into reality?
7. What does the new extract the Fat Man created, and what is its one side effect?
8. When Roy finds out that Molly is seeing another intern named Howie, what kind of hypothetical situation does he conjure up in his mind?
9. How does Roy claim that many people in the hospital "take out our hatred, our loneliness, our horror with human suffering, and our despair at human endings"?
10. What does Roy ask the Runt about Angel? Why can't the Runt completely answer the question?
Essay Topics
Write an essay for ONE of the following topics:
Essay Topic 1
As time went on, Roy began to dehumanize his patients, like Pinkus always did inadvertently. Some doctors believe it is necessary to not look at patients personally, but rather look at them as numbers. They believe being emotionally unattached makes a better overall doctor because they can be impartial. Others believe that if doctors don't look at patients as humans, that there is no point in having doctors at all; why not have robots diagnose patients? If a doctor loses their ability to empathize with their patients, then they shouldn't be doctors. Please explain one side of the argument, backing it up with quotes from the text.
Essay Topic 2
What caused such emotion to emerge in Roy that makes him snap out of his apathetic state? Explain why you believe such a small incident could bring about such clarity. Use quotes from the book to tie the moment of clarity in with times Roy felt lost, and compare and contrast.
Essay Topic 3
Roy speaks of wearing his "doctor costume" when he is starting out in his rotations. What do you think he means by this? Were there any other character wearing "costumes"? If so, who? Why would Roy, or any other character, need to wear a costume?
This section contains 990 words (approx. 4 pages at 300 words per page) |