The House of God Test | Final Test - Medium

Samuel Shem
This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 140 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

The House of God Test | Final Test - Medium

Samuel Shem
This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 140 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 5 multiple choice questions, 5 short answer questions, and 10 short essay questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. Who barges in on Roy and physically makes him go to the show with Berry?
(a) Gilheeny and the Runt.
(b) Quick and Chuck.
(c) Gilheeny and Quick.
(d) The Fat Man.

2. Fat Man was a graduate of what school?
(a) Brooklyn College.
(b) New York University.
(c) Rutgers University.
(d) Stanford University.

3. What is 789?
(a) The nickname of Chuck.
(b) Roy's new intern.
(c) The number of patients the Fat Man has treated.
(d) The number of patients Roy has treated.

4. Besides the main five interns, who else raises their hand when asked who wants to take up psychiatry?
(a) The policemen.
(b) The cleaning woman.
(c) Two of the nurses.
(d) The Fat Man.

5. What does Roy find out about Molly in Chapter 17?
(a) That she has been sleeping with half the staff.
(b) That she's manic depressive.
(c) That she plans on getting in touch with Berry.
(d) That she's dating another intern.

Short Answer Questions

1. Who says they like it when people say "I don't know"?

2. Upon seeing a specific act in the show he attends with Berry, what does Roy begin to do?

3. What is one of Jo's major flaws?

4. Whose slogan is "you gotta have heart"?

5. The last mime in the show Roy and Berry attended was called what?

Short Essay Questions

1. What was happening that made the interns all more isolated from one another?

2. What does the new extract the Fat Man created, and what is its one side effect?

3. What started happening around Passover and what was Roy's idea to stop it? Does it work?

4. What does Berry say was a huge trigger for Roy's regression?

5. What does Jo say, after one of her patients dies, that shows her to be totally devoid of emotion or compassion?

6. What does Roy see at the Marcel Marceau show that snaps Roy back into reality?

7. What does Roy ask the Runt about Angel? Why can't the Runt completely answer the question?

8. How does Roy claim that many people in the hospital "take out our hatred, our loneliness, our horror with human suffering, and our despair at human endings"?

9. Why can't they ever get rid of the one gomer Harry the Horse?

10. When Roy finds out that Molly is seeing another intern named Howie, what kind of hypothetical situation does he conjure up in his mind?

(see the answer keys)

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