The House Next Door Test | Final Test - Medium

Anne Rivers Siddons
This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 122 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

The House Next Door Test | Final Test - Medium

Anne Rivers Siddons
This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 122 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 5 multiple choice questions, 5 short answer questions, and 10 short essay questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. What month is it when a "For Sale" sign goes up indicating the Sheehans are selling the house?
(a) December.
(b) August.
(c) May.
(d) October.

2. How does Claire say Colquitt looks when she returns home to find the Sheehans have left?
(a) Like a cancer patient.
(b) Very relaxed.
(c) Ten years older.
(d) Refreshed and happy.

3. What kind of car does Norman drive?
(a) Ford.
(b) Lincoln.
(c) VW.
(d) Buick.

4. Where do the Kennedys go right before Christmas prior to the Greenes buying the house?
(a) Ocho Rios.
(b) Hawaii.
(c) The cottage.
(d) On a world cruise.

5. What kind of car does Kim drive?
(a) A rusty Ford.
(b) A new Lincoln.
(c) A blue BMW.
(d) An old VW.

Short Answer Questions

1. What hospital does Buck take Anita to after she claims to have gotten a call from Toby?

2. What household task does Marguerite take on as soon as she arrives at the Sheehans?

3. Where is Colquitt when Eloise Jennings tell her that the Greens are trying to treat Melissa's illness at home?

4. What are Libby's parents' names?

5. What does Claire call Colquitt as she orders her to leave her home?

Short Essay Questions

1. Why does Claire think Colquitt's explanation that she thought the Sheehans may have just gone out is implausible when Colquitt tries to tell Claire she knows nothing about why the couple left?

2. What does Colquitt immediately notice when she and Walter return from New York and why does this upset her?

3. How does Norman react to Walter telling him that the house may be haunted?

4. Why does Kim force Colquitt and Walter outside after kissing Colquitt?

5. Why is Colquitt amused by the brie that Eloise is carrying when she and Walter run into Eloise in the grocery store?

6. What causes Colquitt to decide never to return to the ballet guild meetings?

7. How does Colquitt feel while Kim is kissing her?

8. In Chapter 21, why does Walter lose a client?

9. What does Colquitt say she likes about working from home?

10. Why does Colquitt make an excuse to Buck for the broken window at the Sheehans' house, and what is the excuse?

(see the answer keys)

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