The Hours Test | Final Test - Easy

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 139 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

The Hours Test | Final Test - Easy

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 139 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 15 multiple choice questions and 5 short answer questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. When she has to choose, what does Laura do?
(a) She drives along the Pasadena Freeway.
(b) She drives to Pasadena.
(c) She heads off back the way she came.
(d) She drives into Los Angeles.

2. What drove Clarissa to part from Richard over thirty years ago?
(a) He love for Louis and Sally.
(b) Her desire for a relatively ordinary life.
(c) Her desire to be famous.
(d) The power of her suburban morality.

3. Where does Clarissa find Richard?
(a) In his usual chair.
(b) In the bath.
(c) Perched on the edge of the balcony.
(d) Perched on the window sill.

4. What makes Richie frown in concentration?
(a) The job of removing the candles from the cake.
(b) Trying not to spill crumbs as he eats the birthday cake.
(c) Making a wish as the birthday candles burn.
(d) Trying to make out the letters on the cake.

5. With what profession is Nelly's calm compared?
(a) With that of a test pilot.
(b) With that of a patient nanny.
(c) With that of an undertaker.
(d) With that of an executioner.

6. Where would Clarissa like her ashes to be scattered?
(a) In her own garden.
(b) Wherever Richard's are scattered.
(c) On the big dune at Wellfleet.
(d) Over the lake in Central Park.

7. What will haunt Clarissa's life?
(a) Her fear of flowers.
(b) The memory of the kiss.
(c) Her fear of suicide.
(d) Her fear of being a lesbian.

8. What prompts Laura's fury?
(a) Dan's spittle on the cake.
(b) Dan being off-hand with Richie.
(c) Dan being unable to blow out the candles.
(d) Dan secretly laughing at Laura's efforts.

9. What surprises Sally about Oliver?
(a) That he is gay.
(b) That he is ordinary and ill-tempered.
(c) That he is so short.
(d) He is not much different from his movie persona.

10. What is unusual about Clarissa and Sally?
(a) One is an artist and the other is a stock-broker.
(b) They dislike each other, but stay together in order not to lose face.
(c) Their relationship has laster twenty-seven years.
(d) They are a couple who never fight.

11. Who does Laura desire?
(a) Both Kitty and Dan.
(b) Kitty.
(c) Kitty and Clarissa.
(d) Dan.

12. What is the toothbrush-holder made of?
(a) Porcelain.
(b) Glass.
(c) Stainless steel.
(d) Wicker.

13. What gives Mrs. Latch's garage the look of a miniature house?
(a) The way the door has two little red windows in it.
(b) The way the door has a cantilevered front extension, like a storm porch.
(c) The way the door has a green-shuttered window in it.
(d) The size and shape of it compared to the main house.

14. What is implied about Richmond station's yellow wooden benches?
(a) They are attractive.
(b) They are comfortable.
(c) They are hard.
(d) They are necessary and appreciated by travelers.

15. What does London mean to Virginia?
(a) Crowds and complications.
(b) Vanity.
(c) Fear.
(d) Freedom.

Short Answer Questions

1. What do Virginia and Vanessa do behind Nelly's back?

2. Where will Laura put her robe?

3. What can Laura see out of the hotel window?

4. What is disturbing about Virginia kissing Vanessa?

5. With which particular person does Laura contrast her own life?

(see the answer keys)

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