The Hours Test | Mid-Book Test - Easy

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 139 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

The Hours Test | Mid-Book Test - Easy

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 139 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 15 multiple choice questions and 5 short answer questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. For how long does Clarissa wait in the hope of seeing the famous film star?
(a) Twelve minutes.
(b) She doesn't wait around at all.
(c) Nearly a quarter of an hour.
(d) Nearly ten minutes.

2. Which character does Virginia wish to avoid?
(a) Clarissa.
(b) Nelly.
(c) Vanessa.
(d) Leonard.

3. Who has a voice like a parakeet, according to Virginia?
(a) Marjorie.
(b) Ralph.
(c) Barbara.
(d) Nelly.

4. Who careens past on a bicycle?
(a) Barbara.
(b) Walter.
(c) A policeman.
(d) A Chinese boy.

5. When she was at school, Kitty was part of _________________________________.
(a) A group who dropped out of school before graduating.
(b) The dominant, popular group of cheerleaders and stars.
(c) A Christian fundamentalist group.
(d) The bookish group who hung around the library.

6. Where is Walter Hardy heading?
(a) For Central Park.
(b) For Washington Square Park.
(c) For Madison Square Garden.
(d) For Prince Street station.

7. What is the age difference between Virginia and Vanessa?
(a) Vanessa is three years older.
(b) They are twins: Vanessa is half an hour older.
(c) Virginia is two years older.
(d) Virginia is three years older.

8. What sudden change in Virginia has occurred?
(a) She is no longer beautiful.
(b) Her hair is quickly going white.
(c) Her hands look arthritic.
(d) She seems too happy.

9. What is disturbing Laura?
(a) She's experiencing an upset stomach and feels embarrassed.
(b) She is experiencing a sudden aversion to her husband and child.
(c) She's experiencing a dreamlike feeling that she cannot shake.
(d) She is experiencing a strange fear that her pregnancy will go wrong.

10. What can Virginia feel inside herself?
(a) Hunger--both to eat and to write.
(b) A black, evil soul.
(c) A parallel, purer self--like a soul.
(d) A cancer growing aggressively.

11. Who is Ralph?
(a) Virginia's eldest son.
(b) Leonard's assistant.
(c) Leonard's brother.
(d) Leonard's boyfriend.

12. What annoys Leonard?
(a) Barbara's voice.
(b) Virginia's not finishing her writing.
(c) Ralph's poetry.
(d) The errors he finds on the proof pages.

13. What sort of top is Clarissa wearing?
(a) A blue turtleneck.
(b) An elegant silk shirt.
(c) A man's cotton shirt.
(d) A knitted top.

14. Where does Virginia's body finally come to rest?
(a) Under a bridge in London.
(b) Against a bridge piling at Southwark.
(c) Against a bridge piling at Southease.
(d) Under a jetty at Richmond.

15. Why is Laura disappointed?
(a) Richie does not appreciate that it is his father's birthday.
(b) Richie does not like the cake.
(c) The cake does not measure up to her hopes for it.
(d) The cake has risen too much.

Short Answer Questions

1. Who dozes on a slatted bench?

2. What is perverse about Richard's good fortune?

3. Who gives Clarissa the nickname 'Mrs Dalloway'?

4. What material is used for the counter top in Clarissa's kitchen?

5. Why has Kitty acted strangely and desperately?

(see the answer keys)

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