The Homeric Hymns Test | Final Test - Easy

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 116 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

The Homeric Hymns Test | Final Test - Easy

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 116 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 15 multiple choice questions and 5 short answer questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. Based on the information provided in their hymn, what do the Muses influence?
(a) Music, and dance, but not poetry or history.
(b) Music, dance, and poetry, but not history.
(c) Music, history, and poetry, but not dance.
(d) Music, history, dance, and poetry.

2. What is the general tone of The Hymn to Zeus?
(a) Simple.
(b) Confusing.
(c) Complex.
(d) Organized.

3. Which one of the following is a term used by the poet to characterize Zeus?
(a) The original.
(b) The greatest.
(c) The incomparable.
(d) The best.

4. According to the poet, what type of sign is the monthly occurrence of a full moon?
(a) A troubling sign.
(b) A sign for help.
(c) A confirmation.
(d) An assurance.

5. What type of arts is Athena known for?
(a) Homely.
(b) Educational.
(c) Fine.
(d) Classical.

6. What is the last command that Aphrodite has for Anchises?
(a) To find a woman to marry.
(b) To begin preparing to raise their son.
(c) To tell everyone about her visit.
(d) To remain silent about her visit.

7. As stated in The Hymn to Aphrodite, what is Athena known for?
(a) War.
(b) Fire.
(c) Home.
(d) Hunting.

8. How many hymns are there to Athena?
(a) Four.
(b) One.
(c) Three.
(d) Two.

9. When does Aphrodite say that Aeneas, the child she has with Anchises, will be able to return to earth?
(a) When he is one year old.
(b) When he is eight years old.
(c) When he is five years old.
(d) When he is ten years old.

10. What job did Hephaistos have, according to the hymn?
(a) He is a blacksmith.
(b) He is a painter.
(c) He is a scupltor.
(d) He is a carpenter.

11. In The Hymn to the Moon, what analogy is made to the moon?
(a) A shooting star.
(b) A chariot.
(c) A bright wedge.
(d) A piece of cheese.

12. What prayer does the poet make in The Hymn to Poseidon?
(a) For strong winds on the sails of ships.
(b) For the safety of sailors and ships.
(c) For the brief trips of sailors.
(d) For good weather over the seas.

13. How is Hestia's presence described in the Hymns to Hestia?
(a) Comforting.
(b) Powerful.
(c) Eternal.
(d) Overwhelming.

14. Who assists the poet in the beginning of The Hymn to the Moon?
(a) The Muses.
(b) The Sirens.
(c) The Nymphs.
(d) The Harpies.

15. In the story, how does Aphrodite disguise herself in order to get close to Anchises?
(a) As a mortal girl.
(b) As another goddess.
(c) As a girl that Anchises once knew.
(d) As a girl that Anchises knows.

Short Answer Questions

1. According to the myth, where was Athena born?

2. How is Hephaistos described in The Hymn to Hephaistos?

3. In the poet's prayer at the conclusion of The Hymn to the Sun, what does he hope that his life will satisfy?

4. How is Demeter's wandering described as she searches for her daughter?

5. Who reportedly witnessed the birth of Athena?

(see the answer keys)

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