The Homeric Hymns Test | Mid-Book Test - Easy

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 116 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

The Homeric Hymns Test | Mid-Book Test - Easy

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 116 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 15 multiple choice questions and 5 short answer questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. Which one of the following is not something that Hermes was known as?
(a) Trickster.
(b) Liar.
(c) Messenger.
(d) Adventurer.

2. How is Hermes's defense described in the first hymn?
(a) Illogical.
(b) Lengthy.
(c) Flawed.
(d) Spirited.

3. What was the syallabic script used by the Greeks in the late Bronze Age?
(a) Linear A.
(b) Linear C.
(c) Linear D.
(d) Linear B.

4. What happens to the helmsman in The Hymn to Dionysus?
(a) He is turned into a hawk.
(b) He swims to safety on a nearby island.
(c) He is released by Dionysus on an island.
(d) He is richly rewarded.

5. How does the poet describe the laws of peace that he wishes to linger in at the end of The Hymn to Ares?
(a) Safe.
(b) Unpredictable.
(c) Unfathomable.
(d) Content.

6. What type of nourishment of humanity does the Earth have according to the first hymn?
(a) Tested.
(b) Temporary.
(c) Eternal.
(d) Incomparable.

7. Which one of the following epics was composed by Homer?
(a) Works and Days.
(b) Theogony.
(c) Metamorpheses.
(d) The Odyssey.

8. What does Apollo give to Hermes towards the end of the first hymn?
(a) A pair of shoes.
(b) A horse.
(c) A bow.
(d) A wand.

9. How is the sailing ship that captures Dionysus described?
(a) Lost.
(b) Abandoned.
(c) Reckless.
(d) Rogue.

10. In summarizing The Hymn to the Earth, what does the poet suggest follows the manifestation of Earth's blessings?
(a) Health and wealth.
(b) Fortune and wealth.
(c) Health, fortune, and wealth.
(d) Health and fortune.

11. What invocation to Dionysus ends the third hymn?
(a) Girl-crazy goat.
(b) Girl-crazy lion.
(c) Wild, noisy lion.
(d) Wild, noisy goat.

12. In what way does Hermes's mother respond to Hermes' stealing activities?
(a) She scolds him.
(b) She cries.
(c) She laughs.
(d) She ignores him.

13. What way does the poet describe the manifestation of Earth's blessings in children?
(a) Innocence.
(b) Joy.
(c) Simplicity.
(d) Hopefulness.

14. As stated in the hymn, who does Ares lead?
(a) Most loyal men.
(b) All just men.
(c) All loyal men.
(d) Most just men.

15. What is the judgment that Hermes receives?
(a) He can keep the stolen animals.
(b) He must return the stolen animals to Apollo.
(c) He must apologize to Apollo.
(d) He must grant Apollo three wishes.

Short Answer Questions

1. In The Hymn to the Earth, what does the poet refer to the Earth as?

2. In a tribute, which Greek historian attributes the "Hymn to Apollo" to Homer?

3. What does Dionysus turn the crew of the ship into?

4. What is the purpose of the first hymn to Artemis?

5. Based on the information provided in The Second Hymn to Dionysus, who raises Dionysus?

(see the answer keys)

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