The History of the Kings of Britain Test | Final Test - Easy

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 137 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

The History of the Kings of Britain Test | Final Test - Easy

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 137 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 15 multiple choice questions and 5 short answer questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. Aurelius does not know how he will move the stones but sends __________________________, fifteen thousand men and Merlin to fetch the circle.
(a) Utherpendragon.
(b) Romans.
(c) Britons.
(d) Priests.

2. A girl from Canute's forest will arrive to do what?
(a) Bring evil.
(b) End the peace.
(c) End these evils.
(d) Bring justice.

3. Aurelius himself begins to rebuild which city?
(a) Devonshire.
(b) York.
(c) New York.
(d) Olde York.

4. Vortigern's son, Paschent, begins mounting an army to march against who?
(a) Utherpendragon.
(b) Dubricius.
(c) Aurelius.
(d) Samson.

5. Aurelius gives the City of York to Samson and the City of Legions to Dubricius for what reason?
(a) These two areas were without leaders.
(b) These men have no lands to lead.
(c) These two areas' current leaders are very weak.
(d) These two men are very powerful.

6. A tree will be planted on top of the Tower of London and grow how many branches that cover the entire island?
(a) Two.
(b) Four.
(c) Five.
(d) Three.

7. The German worm will be overcome by whom?
(a) Lyon.
(b) Burgundy.
(c) Normandy.
(d) Brittany.

8. With whom does Gormund, king of the Africans, make a treaty?
(a) Keredic of the Britons.
(b) Wilhelm of the Germans.
(c) Castagliola of the Italians.
(d) Isembard of the Franks.

9. Vortigern is amazed at Merlin's prophecies and wishes to know what?
(a) How his own future will turn out.
(b) When he first noticed he was different.
(c) How Merlin knows all of this.
(d) What else Merlin knows.

10. When the people become bloodthirsty, one man will overthrow another and march where?
(a) To the South.
(b) To the North.
(c) To the East.
(d) To the West.

11. What will rebuild the island, increase fortifications, and construct pathways beneath the earth?
(a) A hedgehog.
(b) A mole.
(c) A rat.
(d) A chipmunk.

12. Upon his return, Arthur arranges for a festival to be held in the City of Legions. What is Guinevere doing at the same time?
(a) She is waiting in the church for him.
(b) She is traveling from Gaul.
(c) She is being conducted to the second church.
(d) She is sitting at home waiting for him to return.

13. As soon as Aurelius sets foot on the island,what happens?
(a) Aurelius bows to the people of Britain.
(b) Vortigern meets with him.
(c) The clergy anoint him king.
(d) The people attack him.

14. Arthur sets siege to the city but must abandon his attack when Cheldric arrives from Germany with aide for the Saxons. Arthur retreats to London and seeks advice from whom?
(a) His father.
(b) God.
(c) Merlin.
(d) His council.

15. Vortigern might be killed by whom, who are plotting against him?
(a) The Saxons.
(b) The Gauls.
(c) The Franks.
(d) The Germans.

Short Answer Questions

1. For how long does Arthur rule in total peace?

2. Those who drink from the first will be granted what?

3. Aurelius rules from London and works to do what?

4. Arthur turns his sights on Gaul currently ruled by Frollo. Why does Frollo have no hope of victory?

5. Arthur soon learns that he is feared by what leaders?

(see the answer keys)

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