The History of the Kings of Britain Test | Mid-Book Test - Easy

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 137 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

The History of the Kings of Britain Test | Mid-Book Test - Easy

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 137 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 15 multiple choice questions and 5 short answer questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. Aldroenus offers to send his brother, Constantine, with how many soldiers to aide the Britons?
(a) One thousand.
(b) Two thousand.
(c) Two hundred.
(d) One hundred.

2. For how long does Gwendolen reign?
(a) Twelve years.
(b) Fifteen years.
(c) Thirteen years.
(d) Fourteen years.

3. What does Hudibras do for Britain?
(a) He builds London.
(b) He builds a strong army.
(c) He restores peace and establishes several cities.
(d) He destroys the kingdom.

4. Guithelinus, the Archbishop of London, is sent to Aldroenus in Armorica for what reason?
(a) To seek aide from the transplanted Britons living there.
(b) To convert the Britains there.
(c) To search for missing Britons.
(d) To speak to the King.

5. What does Cassivelaunus tell Caesar?
(a) The Britons will fight to the death for their liberty.
(b) The Britons will pay tribute to him.
(c) The Britons will do as he asks.
(d) The Britons will leave Britain.

6. The British people soon become afraid of the swelling number of Saxons and turn to who for aide?
(a) Vortimer.
(b) Hengist.
(c) Vortigern.
(d) The Pope.

7. Three longships arrive from Saxony, a province in Germany, bearing two men of huge stature. Who are these men?
(a) Aurelius and Utherpendragon.
(b) Vortigern and Renwein.
(c) Vortimer and Voldemort.
(d) Hengist and Horsa.

8. The Huns' leader is driven back to the river and _______________.
(a) Chased home.
(b) Attacked.
(c) Drowned.
(d) Left for dead.

9. Membritius stands up and says that the only sensible course of action is what?
(a) To return home.
(b) To kill Pandrasus.
(c) To wed Pandrasus' eldest daughter.
(d) To imprison Pandrasus.

10. What does Caesar think will be easy about the Britons?
(a) They will be easy to get along with.
(b) They will be easy to transport to Rome.
(c) They will be easy to convert.
(d) They will be an easy target for him to subjugate.

11. Gwendolen bears a son called ________________.
(a) Maddan.
(b) Habren.
(c) Matthew.
(d) Heath.

12. Why are many readers already familiar with King Leir's story?
(a) He is the king in Romeo and Juliet.
(b) Due to Shakespeare's play, King Lear.
(c) He is the character in fairy tales.
(d) Due to this book.

13. To what name was the Severn River changed?
(a) The Madden River.
(b) The Habren River.
(c) The Estrildis River.
(d) The Gwendolen River.

14. Nennius dies fifteen days later from a wound inflicted by Caesar and is buried with what?
(a) Caesar's sword.
(b) His crown.
(c) His sword.
(d) His comrades.

15. What happened when Caesar's ships arrive?
(a) They are warmly welcomed.
(b) They are attacked.
(c) They are destroyed by pirates.
(d) They are impaled on the stakes.

Short Answer Questions

1. Guiderius manages to beat Claudius' forces back, but what happens to Guiderius?

2. There are ___________ races of man that populate the isle.

3. Why is Britain's rule given over to Vortigern?

4. Vortigern sends messengers to bid Hengist to return to Britain with a small company of men. With how many men does Hengist sail?

5. While the disagreement rages, Vortigern counsels Constans to do what?

(see the answer keys)

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