The History of the Kings of Britain Quiz | Eight Week Quiz G

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 137 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

The History of the Kings of Britain Quiz | Eight Week Quiz G

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 137 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This quiz consists of 5 multiple choice and 5 short answer questions through Part Eight: The Saxon Domination.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. Julius Caesar says that the Britons descend from the same stock as the Romans. What is the result of them living so far away?
(a) They must speak a different language.
(b) They must be degenerates.
(c) They must be more intelligent.
(d) They must have different traditions.

2. London will witness the death of thousands and the ____________ will run with blood.
(a) Seine.
(b) Rhone.
(c) Rhine.
(d) Thames.

3. Why does Arthur assemble an army and decide to march on the Saxons?
(a) To protect himself and his people.
(b) He has nothing better to do.
(c) He wants more power.
(d) To procure more treasure to bestow on his nobles.

4. Who will bring relief from the invaders and become so great that his deeds will be told for many years?
(a) Merlin.
(b) Richard the Lionhart.
(c) The Boar of Cornwall.
(d) The Lion.

5. The British people soon become afraid of the swelling number of Saxons and turn to who for aide?
(a) The Pope.
(b) Vortimer.
(c) Hengist.
(d) Vortigern.

Short Answer Questions

1. Aurelius rules from London and works to do what?

2. Vortigern might be killed by whom, who are plotting against him?

3. Together Claudius and Arvirargus build what city in honor of the marriage?

4. Arthur orders Cador to pursue the Saxons and cut them down. How does Cador do this?

5. Which dragon represents the Saxons who Vortigern has allowed to overrun the island?

(see the answer key)

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