The History of the Franks Test | Final Test - Easy

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 111 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

The History of the Franks Test | Final Test - Easy

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 111 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 15 multiple choice questions and 5 short answer questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. Who was the bishop of the city that had the large flood?
(a) Purgusus.
(b) Pelasgius.
(c) Pelanogas.
(d) Pelaford.

2. What kind of teeth was the "sorcerer" trying to sell?
(a) Horse.
(b) Human.
(c) Shark.
(d) Mole.

3. In Book 9, what was the "sorcerer" selling?
(a) Imitation religious texts.
(b) Religious texts.
(c) Religious relics.
(d) Imitation religious relics.

4. Gregory and one other man became convinced that the man Gregory had problems with was which of the following?
(a) Out of favor with the saint.
(b) Angry at religion.
(c) Unfit to be in religious society.
(d) Possessed by a demon.

5. In Book 9, the man who had powers was wearing a shirt made out of what?
(a) Horse hair.
(b) Cow hair.
(c) Goat hair.
(d) Human hair.

6. Who did Gregory have a problem with?
(a) Followers of the queen.
(b) Diana worshippers.
(c) Followers of the king.
(d) Saint Martin worshippers.

7. After the flood occurred, what was the first recommendation for a solution?
(a) Kind words.
(b) Prayer.
(c) Chanting.
(d) Literature.

8. In which forest were animals free to roam in Chapter 10?
(a) Franks' Forest.
(b) Queen's Forest.
(c) King's Forest.
(d) Enchanted Forest.

9. According to Gregory, what culminated from the flood and other events?
(a) A tornado.
(b) An earthquake.
(c) A plague.
(d) A hailstorm.

10. In the dramatic story Gregory tells of a young woman and her suitors, what was the woman's father's former occupation?
(a) Pope.
(b) Bishop.
(c) King.
(d) Messenger.

11. The man who Gregory worked with threatened him with vengeance if he regained whose favor?
(a) The bishop's.
(b) The priest's.
(c) The Lord's.
(d) The king's.

12. Who did Gregory the deacon eventually become an aide to?
(a) The pope of a small city.
(b) The king.
(c) The Pope.
(d) God.

13. In Book 9, Chapter 15, Gregory reports that the King of Spain called together which groups of people?
(a) Bishops.
(b) Kings.
(c) Peasants.
(d) Priests.

14. What reaction did Gregory have to seeing a man thrown into a giant stew pot?
(a) He was relieved.
(b) He cried.
(c) He laughed.
(d) He was fearful for his own life.

15. In the story about the woman and her suitors, who repelled the man's attempt to marry the woman?
(a) The woman.
(b) The woman's mother.
(c) The man's parents.
(d) The woman's father.

Short Answer Questions

1. Which of the following describes the man Gregory had to work with who caused him trouble?

2. In the story Gregory of Tours revealed about King Gunthram, how many years had he been king?

3. In the story of the young man who gets ill enough that many think he will die, who did he call upon?

4. After the flood occurred, what was the second recommendation for a solution?

5. In the story where the woman caught on fire, what was her reaction?

(see the answer keys)

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