The History of the Church from Christ to Constantine Quiz | Eight Week Quiz E

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 104 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

The History of the Church from Christ to Constantine Quiz | Eight Week Quiz E

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 104 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This quiz consists of 5 multiple choice and 5 short answer questions through Chapter 7, Gallus to Gallienus.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. The seventeenth year of the reign of Antoninus Verus, or Marcus Aurelius, was in A.D. _______.
(a) 477.
(b) 377.
(c) 177.
(d) 277.

2. Gaius was next Caesar and appointed who ruler of the Jews?
(a) Agrippina.
(b) Antonius.
(c) Agrippa.
(d) Andrew.

3. Luke was Paul's companion during this time and wrote both _________________.
(a) The Gospel of Luke and the Song of Songs.
(b) The Gospel of Luke and the Book of Acts.
(c) The Gospel of Luke and the Book of Ruth.
(d) The Gospel of Luke and the Book of Psalms.

4. What did Dionysius' fourth letter argue?
(a) Those marrying heretics had perverted marriage.
(b) Those re-baptizing heretics had perverted baptism.
(c) Those who allowed heretics to take the Eucharist perverted the Eucharist.
(d) Those who forgave heretics who confessed perverted the Order of Confession.

5. Primus, the fourth from the apostles, became the Bishop of ______________, twelve years into Trajan's reign.
(a) Athens.
(b) Alexandria.
(c) Rome.
(d) Madrid.

Short Answer Questions

1. Against whom had the Jews devised various plots?

2. His initial followers were unusually ______________, as the Scripture taught they would be.

3. He discovered that ____________ had preached in India and that some had copies of the Scriptures.

4. Alcibiades, Montanus and Theodotus gained a reputation for ____________.

5. Narcissus is thought to have wrought many __________.

(see the answer key)

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