The History of Love Test | Final Test - Hard

Nicole Krauss
This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 133 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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The History of Love Test | Final Test - Hard

Nicole Krauss
This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 133 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 5 short answer questions, 10 short essay questions, and 1 (of 3) essay topics.

Short Answer Questions

1. Why does Zvi add this last chapter?

2. Leo sits in front of the typewriter and thinks about who?

3. When does Leo use his purchase?

4. What does Zvi take from his coat?

5. What does Julian ask Alma to do?

Short Essay Questions

1. What does Alma do on Saturday morning?

2. What does Zvi do when he gets to Alma's name in the book?

3. What does Zvi do on his last morning in Poland?

4. What does Leo do when he goes upstairs?

5. What does Zvi do when the war ends?

6. Describe Zvi and Rosa courtship.

7. How does Alma uncover the mystery about Jacob Marcus?

8. Where is Leo headed at the beginning of this chapter?

9. Why does Alma become upset when she gets home?

10. About what does Julina tell Alma while they are out to dinner?

Essay Topics

Write an essay for ONE of the following topics:

Essay Topic 1

Bird narrates two of the chapters.

Part 1) Describe these two chapters. Why is he the narrator of these two chapters?

Part 2) What is revealed about Bird through these two chapters? How does this affect your opinion of Bird?

Part 3) Why does the author have Alma, Leo, and Bird narrate this book? Why are no other characters also narrators?

Essay Topic 2

Alma is hesitant about her relationship with Misha.

Part 1) Describe her relationship with Misha. What does Alma know about love up to this point?

Part 2) How does her view of love affect her relationship with Misha.

Part 3) When does she realize she is falling in love with him? What is ironic about this?

Essay Topic 3

Leo and Alma are brought together at the end of the story.

Part 1) How are they brought together? What events take place that lead to this meeting?

Part 2) Describe this meeting. Why is it significant?

Part 3) Predict how this meeting will permanently change these two characters.

(see the answer keys)

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