The History of Love Test | Mid-Book Test - Easy

Nicole Krauss
This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 133 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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The History of Love Test | Mid-Book Test - Easy

Nicole Krauss
This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 133 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 15 multiple choice questions and 5 short answer questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. Jacob Marcus sends a response. What does Alma do with this letter?
(a) She picks through it for clues and writes them in code in her third volume of How to Survive in the Wild.
(b) She throws it away.
(c) She calls Jacob Marcus.
(d) She gives it to her mother.

2. What does Zvi read through while he stays with his friend?
(a) One of his favorite books.
(b) His friend's novel.
(c) Some of his friend's writings laid out on the desk.
(d) The newspaper.

3. About what does Alma read?
(a) A woman who is leaving a man she does not love.
(b) The love of a woman for a man.
(c) people talking with their hands and a man who thought he was made of glass.
(d) People moving to Chile from Poland.

4. When Alma writes the letter to Jacob Marcus pretending to be Charlotte, who does she tell?
(a) Misha.
(b) Uncle Julian.
(c) Leo.
(d) Bird.

5. As the two walk, what does Misha tell Alma some people think?
(a) She is crazy.
(b) She is his girlfriend.
(c) She is unhappy.
(d) She is his best friend.

6. Of what is Zvi Litvinoff the author?
(a) The History of Love.
(b) My Life.
(c) The Passions of Love.
(d) The History of Chile.

7. Over what does Alma muse?
(a) Why Alma and Leo fall in love.
(b) Why David gave Charlotte the book.
(c) Why the author kept the name Alma.
(d) Why Charlotte misses David.

8. What does Misha say when Alma talks to him on the phone?
(a) He says nothing.
(b) He is going to the movies with another girl.
(c) He yells at her.
(d) He does not want to see her again.

9. Where does an original copy wind up?
(a) In a secondhand bookstore in Buenos Aires.
(b) In a secondhand bookstore in Poland.
(c) In a secondhand bookstrore in Santiago.
(d) In a secondhand bookstore in New York.

10. What does Alma realize about the Alma in the book?
(a) She must be Charlotte.
(b) She must have been a real person.
(c) She must have been a wonderful person.
(d) She must have been David's true love.

11. What does Alma do when Bird asks about their father?
(a) She says nothing.
(b) She tells him what she knows.
(c) She begins to cry.
(d) She makes up several facts.

12. What is a book that the librarian finds by Leopold Gursky?
(a) The Incredible.
(b) Wonder Woman.
(c) The Incredibles.
(d) Batman.

13. As Misha moves his hand under Alma's shirt, what does she do?
(a) She tells him to stop and says she likes someone else.
(b) She screams.
(c) She angrily pushes him away.
(d) She sits, frozen.

14. On how many dates has Charlotte gone on since David's death? T
(a) Five.
(b) Two.
(c) Four.
(d) Three.

15. How does Rosa help Zvi?
(a) She helps him write his book.
(b) She helps him get into contact with Leo.
(c) She helps translate the book from Yiddish into Spanish.
(d) She helps him translate the book from German into Spanish.

Short Answer Questions

1. What has Leo enjoyed writing about since childhood?

2. What does Leo find when he goes up to Bruno's apartment?

3. A few weeks later, what does Zvi discover when his friend does not show up?

4. What does this person say he or she is writing?

5. Why does Alma think Litvinoff did not give Alma Mereminski a Spanish name?

(see the answer keys)

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