The Historical Figure of Jesus Test | Final Test - Easy

E. P. Sanders
This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 100 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

The Historical Figure of Jesus Test | Final Test - Easy

E. P. Sanders
This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 100 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 15 multiple choice questions and 5 short answer questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. Opposition of the law was a basis for major conflict between the government of Jesus' time and what group?
(a) The people.
(b) The Egyptians.
(c) The apostles.
(d) The Israelites.

2. What does Mark point out that Jesus could have done with his ability to perform miracles?
(a) Punished people he disliked.
(b) Become rich and famous.
(c) Gotten out of his execution.
(d) Cured all disease.

3. What claim of Jesus' do some people say made him seem egotistical?
(a) His claim to be the Son of God.
(b) His claim to be a preacher.
(c) His claim of performing miracles.
(d) His claim to be a teacher.

4. According to record who wanted Jesus killed?
(a) Antipas.
(b) Josephus.
(c) Peter.
(d) Judas.

5. What type of perfectionism is discussed in Chapter 13?
(a) Loving.
(b) Divine.
(c) Scholarly.
(d) Ethical.

6. What was anyone who opposed the law in Jesus' time considered to be?
(a) A blasphemer or heretic.
(b) A traitor.
(c) Heroic.
(d) A thief.

7. In Chapter 15, what does Sanders say that some people believe Jesus did in his preaching that was a very inappropriate practice?
(a) Gave himself a title.
(b) Performed miracles.
(c) Told people to gather wealth.
(d) Told people to break laws.

8. According to Sanders, a man who divorces and remarries is considered what?
(a) A heretic.
(b) A blasphemer.
(c) None of the answers is correct.
(d) An adulterer.

9. In ancient times, what did the term Messiah mean?
(a) Divine One.
(b) Savior.
(c) Son of God.
(d) Anointed.

10. The meaning of what title has changed greatly since Jesus' time?
(a) Teacher.
(b) Messiah.
(c) Preacher.
(d) Savior.

11. In reference to miracles, what were people in the ancient world more inclined to do?
(a) Disbelieve.
(b) Believe.
(c) Seek them out.
(d) Ridicule those claiming to perform them.

12. What does Sanders say Jesus wasn't the only one of in the world at his time?
(a) Christian leader.
(b) Man born of a virgin.
(c) Man gathering disciples.
(d) Miracle worker.

13. Whom were the apostles accountable to?
(a) God.
(b) Jesus.
(c) Themselves.
(d) No one.

14. Whom does Sanders say the majority of the scriptures caters to?
(a) The apostles.
(b) The tribes of Israel.
(c) The Jews.
(d) The Gentiles.

15. How much of a return did Jesus tell the apostles they would get for their sacrifice?
(a) None.
(b) A return of 10 fold.
(c) A return of 100 fold.
(d) A return of 50 fold.

Short Answer Questions

1. What kind of life did Jesus say the apostles would have in return for their sacrifice?

2. Which of the Gospels was focuses on Jesus' miracles?

3. Whose experiences of conflict with the law does Sanders go into great detail about?

4. What kind of stories did Jesus use in his teachings?

5. In what parable is a son who leaves home welcomed back while his loyal brother is ignored?

(see the answer keys)

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