The Historian Test | Mid-Book Test - Easy

Elizabeth Kostova
This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 125 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

The Historian Test | Mid-Book Test - Easy

Elizabeth Kostova
This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 125 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 15 multiple choice questions and 5 short answer questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. How does Paul react when they tour the religious building in France in Part One, Chapter 10?
(a) With a mixture of fear and anger.
(b) With a mixture of fear and grief.
(c) With a mixture of anger and sadness.
(d) With a mixture of anger and regret.

2. What is Johan Binnerts’s job?
(a) Biographer.
(b) Writer.
(c) Librarian.
(d) Professor.

3. Where did Paul’ mentor go to graduate school?
(a) Yale.
(b) An unnamed European university.
(c) Oxford.
(d) The university in Amsterdam.

4. What sense does the narrator get from the glimpse into the letters found in her father’s library?
(a) Desperation.
(b) Hope.
(c) Anger.
(d) Gloom.

5. In what area does Johan Binnerts specialize?
(a) Dracula.
(b) The medieval collection.
(c) Eastern European History.
(d) Historical fiction.

6. What happens to Rossi’s friend Hedges in Part One, Chapter 12?
(a) He is in a car accident.
(b) He suffers a fall.
(c) He is attacked.
(d) He is in a fire.

7. What does Rossi think of Helen?
(a) He does not respect her.
(b) He does not know she exists.
(c) He admires her tenacity.
(d) He fears her.

8. What restaurant employee tells the narrator and Paul a story in Part One, Chapter 7?
(a) The hostess.
(b) The waitress.
(c) The manager.
(d) The bartender.

9. What does Dracula’s name mean?
(a) Son of the dragon.
(b) Dragon Rider.
(c) Father of the dragon.
(d) The Dragon.

10. Why is Barley cross with the narrator in Part Two, Chapter 25?
(a) Because she made him accompany her.
(b) Because she left Amsterdam without telling anyone.
(c) Because she is continuing her father’s research.
(d) Because she called Master James to discuss him.

11. How does the narrator pass her time while traveling in Part Two, Chapter 25?
(a) She reads her father’s letters.
(b) She examines a map.
(c) She chats with a tall, dark woman sitting opposite her.
(d) She begins writing her account of the events that have occurred so far.

12. What happens to Paul after he finishes reading Rossi’s letters?
(a) His dog disappears.
(b) All his neighbors move out.
(c) His cat is killed.
(d) He receives an ominous, unsigned letter.

13. How does Johan Binnerts help the narrator in Part One, Chapter 5?
(a) By helping her find Dracula-related documents.
(b) By showing her his own dragon book.
(c) By showing her around the university campus.
(d) By telling her his story.

14. Who does the narrator realize she is staring at toward the end of Part One, Chapter 4?
(a) A strange Gypsy woman.
(b) A tall, dark woman.
(c) A tall, dark man.
(d) Professor Rossi.

15. Where is Rossi before he returns to England at the end of Part One, Chapter 9?
(a) Egypt.
(b) Italy.
(c) Crete.
(d) Bulgaria.

Short Answer Questions

1. How does Rossi interpret Hedges’s death?

2. What haunts the narrator about Dracula’s grisly torture methods?

3. What valuable information does Rossi tell Paul at the end of Part Two, Chapter 2?

4. What wound does the suspicious stranger only Rossi sees have?

5. What goes missing when Rossi’s room is ransacked?

(see the answer keys)

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