The Hiding Place Test | Mid-Book Test - Easy

Trezza Azzopardi
This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 100 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

The Hiding Place Test | Mid-Book Test - Easy

Trezza Azzopardi
This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 100 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 15 multiple choice questions and 5 short answer questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. What does Mary try to get together after Frankie leaves?
(a) The children's school lunches.
(b) The children's dinner.
(c) The rent money.
(d) The children's pocket money.

2. Which of the rabbit's organs does Frankie show Dolores?
(a) Its lungs.
(b) Its liver.
(c) Its heart.
(d) Its kidneys.

3. What does Dolores's mother use to hide the alcohol on her breath?
(a) Parsley.
(b) Mint.
(c) Thyme.
(d) Paprika.

4. What does Mrs. Jackson say Mary was doing while her baby was burning in the fire?
(a) Flirting.
(b) Arguing.
(c) Drinking.
(d) Gambling.

5. What did Joe stop from rolling into a crack in the floorboards?
(a) Frankie's gold tooth.
(b) Frankie's wedding ring.
(c) Frankie's ruby ring.
(d) Frankie's gold coin.

6. What is Dolores's mother doing when Dolores arrives home from the shops?
(a) Watching TV.
(b) Crying.
(c) Drinking.
(d) Cleaning.

7. What does Salvatore work as at the diner?
(a) A manager.
(b) An accountant.
(c) A cook.
(d) A waiter.

8. What does Frankie think Joe acts like twelve years after they met?
(a) Like Frankie still owes him something.
(b) Like Frankie is a dead beat.
(c) Like they were never friends.
(d) Like they are from different countries.

9. Who does Mary tell Eva she has not seen for five years?
(a) Markus.
(b) Joe.
(c) Martineau.
(d) Marina.

10. What does Salvatore prepare a large feast for?
(a) The men's party.
(b) The women's party.
(c) The Christening.
(d) The wedding.

11. Who makes bridesmaids gowns for Luca and Dolores?
(a) Fran.
(b) Eva.
(c) Jane.
(d) Mary.

12. Where is Dolores sitting for the first time in thirty years?
(a) Her old classroom.
(b) Joe's Diner.
(c) Her mother's house.
(d) The Moonlight Club.

13. Who does Frankie ask to lend him money?
(a) Martineau.
(b) Mary.
(c) Salvatore.
(d) Joe.

14. What happens to the baby rabbits?
(a) A fox eats them.
(b) They run away.
(c) They starve.
(d) The mother rabbit eats them.

15. What does Frankie have to wait for Joe to do before he can speak to him?
(a) Write a letter.
(b) Make a phone call.
(c) Finish his exercises.
(d) Clean his silverware.

Short Answer Questions

1. What do the doctors say they have wrapped Dolores up in?

2. What does Frankie take with him before he goes to see the bookie?

3. What room does Mary lock herself in when she gets home?

4. What does Frankie believe his new child will bring him?

5. What does Salvatore send Mary and the children?

(see the answer keys)

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