The Hiding Place Chapter Abstracts for Teachers

Trezza Azzopardi
This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 100 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

The Hiding Place Chapter Abstracts for Teachers

Trezza Azzopardi
This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 100 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
Buy The Hiding Place Lesson Plans

Part 1, Waiting

• Dolores sits at her bedroom window waiting for her father to come home. She says when sees him she has to run down and tell her mother.

• Dolores explains she lives with her four sisters and parents in a cramped house in Cardiff, Wales. She shares her bedroom and two of her sisters. Her two older sisters have a room of their own.
• Dolores runs down to her mother to tell her her father is coming towards the house.

• The first chapter ends with an adult Dolores staring out of the same bedroom, waiting for her sisters.

Part 1, Chapter 1

• Dolores talks about her father Frankie. Before Dolores was born he had a half share in a diner with his friend Salvatore. Unfortunately, Frankie preferred to gamble than to work.

• When Frankie hears Mary is pregnant with Dolores he decides the new baby will bring him luck...

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