The Hiding Place Test | Final Test - Medium

Corrie ten Boom
This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 119 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

The Hiding Place Test | Final Test - Medium

Corrie ten Boom
This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 119 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 5 multiple choice questions, 5 short answer questions, and 10 short essay questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. How long are the women on the train out of Vught?
(a) Three hours
(b) Twelve hours
(c) Two days
(d) One week

2. What does Corrie share with Lieutenant Rehms?
(a) Her problems in solitary confinement
(b) Her sadness at never marrying
(c) Her faith
(d) Her hatred of the Germans

3. Those at the Beje celebrate Christmas and what other holiday?
(a) New Year's Eve
(b) Kawanza
(c) Thanksgiving
(d) Hanukkah

4. What happens daily on the men's side?
(a) Labor strikes
(b) Executions
(c) Visits from the Germans
(d) School classes

5. What does Betsie tell Corrie about the German soldiers?
(a) She hates them for what they've done
(b) She thinks that they can be bribed
(c) They are old enough to know better
(d) She feels sorry for them

Short Answer Questions

1. What do the women hold twice daily?

2. What does Nollie tell Corrie in a letter?

3. Why is Corrie placed in solitary confinement?

4. One night at the Beje, what does a strange man start to do?

5. What does Corrie learn is the typical sentence for her crime?

Short Essay Questions

1. What happens when the police chief summons Corrie? How does Corrie react?

2. What does Betsie vow to do while in prison? How does Corrie react? How does this vow change their lives?

3. Why does Betsie enter the infirmary? What dangers does the infirmary represent to the prisoners? What happens to Betsie?

4. What are the conditions like at Ravensbruck for the women?

5. Why is Corrie unable to take her bag with her when the authorities raid the Beje? How do she and Betsie react to the raid?

6. Why do the sisters divide and distribute their personal items? What happens after they do this?

7. Who does Otto work for by chapter 8? How does Corrie deal with his questions and insinuations?

8. What happens to Betsie? What does Corrie think when she sees her sister? What happens to the blue sweater?

9. What does Corrie ask of Lieutenant Rehms? What two situations does Lieutenant Rehms arrange for Corrie?

10. What happens when Nollie's house is raided? How does Nollie differ from Corrie in regard to a raid?

(see the answer keys)

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