The Hiding Place Test | Mid-Book Test - Easy

Corrie ten Boom
This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 119 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

The Hiding Place Test | Mid-Book Test - Easy

Corrie ten Boom
This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 119 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 15 multiple choice questions and 5 short answer questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. Meyer Mossel is renamed what at the Beje?
(a) Peter
(b) Eusie
(c) Jens
(d) Karl

2. Who seeks Corrie's help for the son of the cleaning lady at the courthouse?
(a) Gudrun, a university professor
(b) Ivan, a German immigrant
(c) Rolf, a Dutch policeman
(d) Petr, Haarlem's mayor

3. By what name do the men in the underground go?
(a) Mr. Vander Meer
(b) Mr. Jens
(c) Mr. Holland
(d) Mr. Smit

4. What is special about the day that the novel opens?
(a) It is the shop's centennial
(b) The Nazis invade Holland
(c) Corrie's sister has a baby girl
(d) It is Corrie's wedding

5. What does Corrie worry about after seeing a dead body for the first time?
(a) Getting sick
(b) Going to Hell
(c) Her mortality
(d) Her family's safety

6. Who owns the watch shop across the street?
(a) Mr. Vander Meer
(b) Mr. Van Dyk
(c) Mr. Bosch
(d) Mr. Kans

7. The builder of the room tells Corrie to do what?
(a) Keep only person there at a time
(b) Cover up the door with a rug
(c) Avoid the house in the Germans are near
(d) Hold regular drills for hiding

8. What does Corrie lie to the authorities about in Chapter 5?
(a) A large radio they hid
(b) How many people are in the house
(c) Where Willem is
(d) The income of the watch shop

9. What are confiscated from the people in Holland?
(a) Horses
(b) Radios
(c) Jewelry
(d) Cars

10. What new item does the doctor bring with him when Mrs. Ten Boom and Aunt Bep are sick?
(a) Antibiotics
(b) A blood pressure cuff
(c) Latex gloves
(d) A magnifying glass

11. Who does Kik Ten Boom hide?
(a) Daniel
(b) Jans
(c) Anna
(d) Weils

12. Who insists on telling the truth, no matter what?
(a) Betsie
(b) Corrie
(c) Nollie
(d) Casper

13. What does Willem warn Corrie about?
(a) Mrs. Ten Boom's health
(b) Her desire to move to America and the effect it could have on the family
(c) The growing Nazi threat and how to help the Jews in town
(d) Karl and his parents' wishes for a higher-class marriage for him

14. Why does Casper pity the Germans?
(a) For their arrogance
(b) For their faith
(c) Because they are poor
(d) For their hateful ways

15. To what do Betsie and Corrie awaken?
(a) Helicopters
(b) Tornado sirens
(c) Dogs barking
(d) Bombing

Short Answer Questions

1. From what does Corrie's sister Betsie suffer?

2. When does Chapter 4 begin?

3. Who comforts Corrie after she sees the dead body?

4. What does Corrie dread in Chapter 2?

5. What does the cathedral in Haarlem boast?

(see the answer keys)

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