The Henna Artist Test | Final Test - Hard

Alka Joshi
This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 165 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

The Henna Artist Test | Final Test - Hard

Alka Joshi
This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 165 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 5 short answer questions, 10 short essay questions, and 1 (of 3) essay topics.

Short Answer Questions

1. Why would Radha's baby, if a boy, be a good candidate for adoption by the royal family?

2. Why does Kanta think exposing Radha to Western ways would be good for her?

3. When will Ravi be allowed to marry?

4. What plot dies Malik concoct to get Hari to stop asking Lakshmi for money?

5. What does Lakshmi learn about the benefits of cotton root bark?

Short Essay Questions

1. How did both Lakshmi and Hari's mother hurt him?

2. What made Hari change his behavior towards women?

3. How does Radha feel about the school she is attending in Part Three? How do these feelings surface?

4. What were signs that Maharani Latika was healing?

5. What is the last the reader sees of Parvati?

6. What is the event that puts an end to Lakshmi's business in Jaipur? What are the consequences?

7. How do things start to go downhill after Lakshmi drops Radha back off at school after their lunch out together?

8. How does Radha show her naivety once Lakshmi tells her she is pregnant?

9. What are some pros and cons for sending Radha to the Maharani School for Girls?

10. What information gives readers a clue at the beginning of Part Three that something is going on with Radha?

Essay Topics

Write an essay for ONE of the following topics:

Essay Topic 1

Abortion is an important topic brought up in this book. It is also an important topic in our current culture. What are the views of the various characters regarding abortion? How do the views of the characters, in terms of their attitude regarding abortion, change throughout the story? How might these beliefs about abortion also represent modern beliefs regarding abortion? Overall, what does this book say about abortion? Use examples from the book to support your response.

Essay Topic 2

Lakshmi’s and Radha’s father was a freedom fighter. Name two other freedom fighters from history and give a short description of who they were and for what they fought. Who are some modern freedom fighters, either from the U.S. or elsewhere? How has freedom fighting changed over time? How has it stayed the same?

Essay Topic 3

Throughout the book the location and date are mentioned. Why do you believe the author does this? Do you find this useful? Why or why not? What other subtle details are included by the author to aid you in understanding the time period, location, and culture?

(see the answer keys)

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