The Henna Artist Test | Final Test - Medium

Alka Joshi
This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 165 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

The Henna Artist Test | Final Test - Medium

Alka Joshi
This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 165 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 5 multiple choice questions, 5 short answer questions, and 10 short essay questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. How does Lakshmi know that Ravi is the father of Radha's child?
(a) She has caught Radha with Ravi.
(b) Radha tells her right away he is the father.
(c) Samir told Lakshmi he had seen Radah and Ravi together.
(d) As Radha starts to tell about the boy, she mentions that he apologized for what had happened at the holiday party.

2. How does the moment in Part Three with Mrs. Sharma feel?
(a) Casual.
(b) Tiresome.
(c) Usual.
(d) Final.

3. How does Radha get Hari to bring her to Jaipur and to find Lakshmi?
(a) She forces him.
(b) She begs him.
(c) She pays him.
(d) She tricks him.

4. Why does Lakshmi turn down Maharani Latika’s invite to watch her teach the girls to dance?
(a) She is afraid she will also have to dance.
(b) She is afraid Radha will think she is spying on her.
(c) She does not think it is appropriate to teach girls to dance.
(d) She is nervous about going into the school.

5. What is the centuries-old tradition known as purdah?
(a) The palace females live separately from the males.
(b) The adoption of the next maharaja.
(c) The type of food cooked at the palace.
(d) The maharajas are able to choose their own wives.

Short Answer Questions

1. What does Lakshmi learn about the benefits of cotton root bark?

2. What is the purpose of the rituals of the move-in ceremony?

3. Why is the priest uncomfortable agreeing to the ceremony, until Malik gives him another five rupees?

4. How does Kanta’s saas know she is pregnant?

5. What festival takes place every August and is supposed to ensure wedded bliss?

Short Essay Questions

1. What information gives readers a clue at the beginning of Part Three that something is going on with Radha?

2. How are Radha and Malik alike?

3. What are some pros and cons for sending Radha to the Maharani School for Girls?

4. What were signs that Radha was pregnant?

5. How has Radha changed over the three months she has been with Lakshmi in regards to her relationship with Lakshmi?

6. What is the event that puts an end to Lakshmi's business in Jaipur? What are the consequences?

7. How did both Lakshmi and Hari's mother hurt him?

8. What made Hari change his behavior towards women?

9. How do things start to go downhill after Lakshmi drops Radha back off at school after their lunch out together?

10. How does Radha show her naivety once Lakshmi tells her she is pregnant?

(see the answer keys)

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