The Henna Artist Test | Mid-Book Test - Medium

Alka Joshi
This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 165 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

The Henna Artist Test | Mid-Book Test - Medium

Alka Joshi
This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 165 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 5 multiple choice questions, 5 short answer questions, and 10 short essay questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. What is one reason why Radha likes “Othello” so much?
(a) It is Lakshmi's favorite play.
(b) It was her father’s favorite play.
(c) She loves everything by Shakespeare.
(d) She has always wanted to be in this play.

2. Parvati was born to which caste?
(a) Brahmin.
(b) Shudra.
(c) Kshatriya.
(d) Vaishya.

3. According to the narrator, where did most families live during British rule?
(a) Inside the old Pink City.
(b) Outside the old Pink City.
(c) In large compounds.
(d) In the suburbs.

4. In what city does the story begin?
(a) New Delhi.
(b) Shimla.
(c) Jaipur.
(d) Ajar.

5. At the henna party for the girls, how does Sheela make fun of Neeta?
(a) She makes fun of Neeta's singing.
(b) She makes fun of Neeta's dancing.
(c) She makes fun of Neeta's nose.
(d) She makes fun of Neeta's mother.

Short Answer Questions

1. What can readers assume is a tonga-walla?

2. What does Lakshmi hand Samir, when she sees him after her appointment with Parvati in Part One?

3. What is the name for an Englishman or woman in Hindi?

4. What is a game that Lakshmi and Samir often play?

5. Which of these is NOT a warning that Lakshmi gives Joyce Harris?

Short Essay Questions

1. What happy news is received at the Singh’s party?

2. What does Radha do to try to remove the curse on her family?

3. Why is the match between Sheela and Ravi so important to Lakshmi?

4. How does Lakshmi describe Jaipur at the beginning of Part One?

5. How is Lakshmi a fallen woman in the eyes of her ladies?

6. Why are children so important to Indian men?

7. What are some etiquette lessons that Lakshmi is trying to teach Radha?

8. Why is wealth and gaining wealth so important to Lakshmi?

9. What is the purpose of Lakshmi’s tiffin?

10. Why did the women of the upper caste choose Lakshmi over the women of the Shudra caste?

(see the answer keys)

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