The Henna Artist Test | Mid-Book Test - Easy

Alka Joshi
This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 165 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

The Henna Artist Test | Mid-Book Test - Easy

Alka Joshi
This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 165 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 15 multiple choice questions and 5 short answer questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. How is a profession viewed, in regards to women having professions in the novel?
(a) It is looked down up.
(b) It is considered very prestigious.
(c) It is humorous.
(d) It is honored.

2. What book does Radah read aloud, in impressive English?
(a) Little Women.
(b) Wuthering Heights.
(c) Gulliver's Travels.
(d) Jane Eyre.

3. Who was Parvati Singh’s longest-serving help and nanny to her sons?
(a) Lala.
(b) Chowkidar.
(c) Samir.
(d) Lakshmi.

4. What is a chowkidar?
(a) A janitor.
(b) A taxi driver.
(c) A gardener.
(d) A gateman.

5. What is a game that Lakshmi and Samir often play?
(a) Tennis.
(b) Cricket.
(c) Trading proverbs.
(d) Hide and seek.

6. What does Lakshmi want from Hari?
(a) A divorce.
(b) An apology.
(c) Money.
(d) Love.

7. What is the name that Radha first calls Lakshmi?
(a) Pitaji.
(b) Maa.
(c) Sis.
(d) Jiji.

8. What does the builder do to Malik, when Malik tries to pay him the 200 rupees Lakshmi gave him, rather than the full amount owed?
(a) He ridicules Malik.
(b) He kicks Malik.
(c) He boxes Malik’s ears.
(d) He chases after Malik.

9. Who is Mr. Pandey?
(a) Sheela Sharma’s music teacher and Lakshmi’s neighbor.
(b) Lakshmi's builder.
(c) Parvati's husband and Lakshmi's friend.
(d) Lakshmi's landlord.

10. When what Goddess comes to give you her blessing, you should not leave the room to wash your face?
(a) Goddess of Wealth.
(b) Goddess of Power.
(c) Goddess of Education.
(d) Goddess of Love.

11. Why is Sheela Sharma an unconventional match for Ravi Singh?
(a) She is from a different caste.
(b) She is unattractive.
(c) She is poor.
(d) She is very intelligent.

12. Who is the first character the reader meets?
(a) Lakshmi.
(b) Malik.
(c) Radha.
(d) Hari.

13. Who is quoted as saying, “An eye for any eye makes the whole world blind”?
(a) Jiji.
(b) Munchi-ji.
(c) Gandhi-ji.
(d) Pitaji.

14. Why is Ravi home from boarding school?
(a) Ravi is home on summer vacation.
(b) Ravi has failed in his studies.
(c) Parvati wants him to help with the ribbon cutting ceremony for the new gymkhana.
(d) Parvati wants him to pick out a bride.

15. Lakshmi learns from her ladies that only a fool lives in water and remains an enemy of what?
(a) The God Varuna.
(b) The fisherman.
(c) A fish.
(d) A crocodile.

Short Answer Questions

1. Who does Lakshmi realize is her “steadfast companion”?

2. What are those who spread false information called in the book?

3. How does Laskhmi describe her own concern for Radha and Radha’s exposure to Western culture?

4. According to the narrator, where did most families live during British rule?

5. What do saffron flowers represent?

(see the answer keys)

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