The Help Test | Final Test - Hard

Kathryn Stockett
This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 172 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

The Help Test | Final Test - Hard

Kathryn Stockett
This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 172 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 5 short answer questions, 10 short essay questions, and 1 (of 3) essay topics.

Short Answer Questions

1. What does Skeeter feel the Whitworth house is a museum in honor of in chapter 20?

2. Who calls Minny at home in the beginning of chapter 26 to speak about Celia Foote?

3. What captivates Mrs. Leefolt most about People Will Talk's review of Skeeter and Aibileen's book?

4. Who buys a copy of Skeeter and Aibileen's book for Hilly Holbrook?

5. What does Aibileen's church give her to celebrate the publication of the book?

Short Essay Questions

1. What does Minny insist on adding to her section of the book? For what reason?

2. What does Mrs. Stein tell Skeeter in chapter 27 about the deadline for the book? How does this change things?

3. With whom does Skeeter and her parents have dinner in chapter 20? What happens between Skeeter and Stuart during this evening?

4. Why does Skeeter feel it is important to change the location and names in the book she is writing?

5. Why does Minny feel that Celia Foote does not understand the line between whites and blacks?

6. In chapter 22, it is Mae Mobley's birthday. What kind of cake does Aibileen want to make? Why? What kind does Elizabeth Leefolt insist on Aibileen making?

7. What does Hilly tell Skeeter to publish in the League newsletter or she will throw her out of the league?

8. What does Mrs. Stein ask Skeeter to add to the book in chapter 27? What does Skeeter ask Aibileen in order to help her with this?

9. Hilly Holbrook wins Minny's chocolate pie in the silent auction at the Benefit. Who bid on the pie for Hilly? Who does she think bid on it for her?

10. In chapter 28, Skeeter goes shopping and finally finds her own style. What style is that? What has inspired it?

Essay Topics

Write an essay for ONE of the following topics:

Essay Topic 1

What does Skeeter learn about the publication of her book at the end of the novel? How do Aibileen and Minny feel when they learn the book will be published? What decision does Minny make that she hopes will guarantee no one learns that the book was written about Jackson by maids living in Jackson? How does this place Minny in danger? Why does Aibileen think Minny made this decision? What are the sales like when the book first comes out? What changes this? What does Hilly think of the book? What does she tell all her friends about the book? What changes Hilly's mind about her determination to prove it was written in and about Jackson? Why does Hilly threaten to sue Skeeter?

Essay Topic 2

Discuss one of the following themes in an essay using quotes from the novel to support your conclusions:

1) Racism

2) Family

3) Social Expectations

4) Ambition versus Fear.

Essay Topic 3

Discuss one of the following relationships in an essay using quotes to support your conclusions:

1) Skeeter and her mother

2) Skeeter and Stuart

3) Stuart and his father

4) Hilly and Elizabeth

5) Hilly and Skeeter.

(see the answer keys)

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