The Help Test | Final Test - Medium

Kathryn Stockett
This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 172 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

The Help Test | Final Test - Medium

Kathryn Stockett
This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 172 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 5 multiple choice questions, 5 short answer questions, and 10 short essay questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. Who is waiting for Skeeter as she arrives home at the end of chapter 27?
(a) Hilly.
(b) Elizabeth.
(c) Stuart.
(d) Dr. Neal.

2. What does Mae Mobley do when she sees the toilets on Hilly Holbrook's front lawn in chapter 22?
(a) She uses one.
(b) She laughs.
(c) She tells Aibileen to take her home.
(d) She cries.

3. Why does Minny think she no longer has a job with the Footes at the end of chapter 17?
(a) Celia told her she was fired.
(b) Celia's mother-in-law fired her.
(c) Johnny Foote found her in the house and fired her.
(d) Hilly Holbrook told Celia the truth about Minny and Celia fired her.

4. Who is Pascagoula's cousin?
(a) Louvenia.
(b) Minny.
(c) Yule May.
(d) Aibileen.

5. What does Celia write in chapter 26 on a check made out to the Junior League?
(a) For the spoiled housewives of Jackson.
(b) For the torn dress.
(c) For Two-Slice Hilly.
(d) For starving children in Africa.

Short Answer Questions

1. How much time does Mrs. Stein cut off of Skeeter's deadline for completing her book in chapter 26?

2. What modern convenience does Skeeter's mother refuse to have added to the house as Skeeter explains in chapter 19?

3. What new pill does Skeeter read about in the newspaper in chapter 19 that is hailed as a pill 'to help women cope with everyday challenges'?

4. What book does Minny discover Johnny Foote is reading in chapter 18?

5. What instrument does Celia Foote use to protect Minny from a crazy, naked man in chapter 24?

Short Essay Questions

1. Why does Minny feel that Celia Foote does not understand the line between whites and blacks?

2. What does Celia tell her husband, Johnny Foote, that prompts him to tell Minny she will have a job for life in chapter 30?

3. What does Skeeter learn about Yule May in chapter 19? What does the letter from Yule May to Skeeter say? What is the result of this situation?

4. What are the secret stories that Aibileen tells Mae Mobley? Why does Aibileen tell these stories?

5. In chapter 24, Minny fights with a naked man in the Foote's backyard. Who is the man? Why is Minny fighting him? What happens?

6. What television show discusses Skeeter's book in chapter 29? What is the result?

7. Hilly Holbrook wins Minny's chocolate pie in the silent auction at the Benefit. Who bid on the pie for Hilly? Who does she think bid on it for her?

8. What begins to happen throughout town as people begin to read Skeeter's book?

9. In chapter 28, Skeeter goes shopping and finally finds her own style. What style is that? What has inspired it?

10. What does Mrs. Stein ask Skeeter to add to the book in chapter 27? What does Skeeter ask Aibileen in order to help her with this?

(see the answer keys)

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