The Help Test | Mid-Book Test - Medium

Kathryn Stockett
This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 172 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

The Help Test | Mid-Book Test - Medium

Kathryn Stockett
This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 172 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 5 multiple choice questions, 5 short answer questions, and 10 short essay questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. What item in the living room of the Foote residence frightens Minny?
(a) A Confederate flag.
(b) A blood colored stain on the shag carpet.
(c) A full size, stuffed grizzly bear.
(d) A Confederate pistol.

2. What one housekeeping skill is Celia Foote very bad at, as revealed in chapter 3?
(a) Polishing silver.
(b) Vaccuuming.
(c) Cooking.
(d) Cleaning.

3. What is Skeeter doing when she runs into Hilly Holbrook and Elizabeth Leefolt in chapter 15?
(a) Playing golf.
(b) Biking.
(c) Swimming.
(d) Playing tennis.

4. Who did Celia's husband date before he married Celia?
(a) Lou Anne Templeton.
(b) Skeeter Phelan.
(c) Hilly Holbrook.
(d) Elizabeth Leefolt.

5. Who is Miss Myrna?
(a) The name of a weekly love advice column.
(b) A maid in Jackson.
(c) The name of a weekly housecleaning column.
(d) Skeeter's new boss.

Short Answer Questions

1. What milestone has Mae Mobley entered in chapter 7?

2. Where does Hilly Holbrook invite Mrs. Leefolt and Mae Mobley to go in chapter 15?

3. What job did Skeeter apply before in her final days at college?

4. What did Robert Brown do for Aibileen in the aftermath of Treelore's death?

5. Who is Patricia van Devender?

Short Essay Questions

1. What rules did Minny's mother tell her about working for a white woman? Which rule does Minny constantly break?

2. Why does Aibileen begin telling Mae Mobley she is a smart, kind girl?

3. How does the first interview between Skeeter and Aibileen go? What does Skeeter think will happen next?

4. Who sets up the first date between Stuart Whitworth and Skeeter? How does it go?

5. Who is Constantine? What does Skeeter think happened to her?

6. What are the interviews like between Skeeter and Minny? Who does Minny refuse to allow Skeeter to place in her book?

7. What does Celia spend most of her days doing? What is the result?

8. How did Minny Jackson get an interview with Celia Foote? What happens at the interview?

9. What was Treelore hoping to do before his death? How did Aibileen feel about this?

10. What letter does Skeeter receive in chapter 6 that inspires her to begin searching for a writing job and to find unique topics to write about?

(see the answer keys)

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