The Help Test | Final Test - Easy

Kathryn Stockett
This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 172 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

The Help Test | Final Test - Easy

Kathryn Stockett
This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 172 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 15 multiple choice questions and 5 short answer questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. What does Celia tear from Hilly's dress that Hilly later insists Celia make a two hundred dollar donation to the Junior League to make up for?
(a) Her cuff.
(b) Her hem.
(c) Her collar.
(d) Her skirt.

2. What does Celia have delivered to the house that Minny thinks is homemade alcohol?
(a) A celery tonic.
(b) Hair tonic.
(c) A catching tonic.
(d) A vitamin tonic.

3. Why does Skeeter refuse to tell her mother of her break up with Stuart?
(a) She is embarrassed.
(b) She is hoping he will come back.
(c) She does not want to disappoint her.
(d) She does not want to hear 'I told you so'.

4. Who is waiting for Skeeter as she arrives home at the end of chapter 27?
(a) Elizabeth.
(b) Dr. Neal.
(c) Hilly.
(d) Stuart.

5. With whom does Skeeter plan to share the advance money and subsequent royalty payments with?
(a) All the maids who helped write the book.
(b) Just Aibileen.
(c) Aibileen and Minny.
(d) Her mother.

6. What does Hilly announce at the League meeting in chapter 26 that officially cuts Skeeter out of her final tenuous attachment to Jackson social society?
(a) Hilly has voted to end the newsletter.
(b) Hilly has decided to disban the Jackson League.
(c) Hilly has thrown Skeeter out of the League.
(d) Hilly will take over as editor of the newsletter.

7. How long does Celia stay in bed after the disaster at the Benefit?
(a) Three days.
(b) One day.
(c) Four days.
(d) Two days.

8. Who did Johnny Foote tell Minny he had asked to come play bridge with Celia?
(a) Elizabeth Leefolt.
(b) Mrs. Walters.
(c) Skeeter Phelan.
(d) Hilly Holbrook.

9. What actress does Skeeter note is on the cover of Life magazine?
(a) Audrey Hepburn.
(b) Katherine Hepburn.
(c) Elizabeth Taylor.
(d) Rita Hayworth.

10. Who tells Aibileen to stay away from Skeeter if she wants to keep her job?
(a) Hilly Holbrook.
(b) Minny.
(c) Mrs. Leefolt.
(d) Mr. Leefolt.

11. What appliance does Mrs. Phelan finally allow installed in her house in chapter 21 after receiving doctors orders to do so?
(a) A clothes washer.
(b) Air conditioning.
(c) A refrigertor.
(d) A dish washer.

12. What excuse does Aibileen think Skeeter will use for the toilet confusion at Hilly Holbrook's house?
(a) It was a typo.
(b) It was someone else.
(c) It was an accident.
(d) It was a joke.

13. Who was Carl Roberts?
(a) A young black man lynched from speaking out against the Mississippi governor.
(b) A black man jailed for a sit in at a lunch counter.
(c) A friend of Stuart Whitworth.
(d) A white activist in Mississippi.

14. What does Skeeter feel the Whitworth house is a museum in honor of in chapter 20?
(a) Mississippi State.
(b) The War Between the States.
(c) His parents.
(d) His dead grandfather.

15. What book does Minny discover Johnny Foote is reading in chapter 18?
(a) The Biography of Washington Carver.
(b) Uncle Tom's Cabin.
(c) Stride Toward Freedom.
(d) To Kill a Mockingbird.

Short Answer Questions

1. What does Aibileen's church give her to celebrate the publication of the book?

2. Who is Pascagoula's cousin?

3. Who calls Minny at home in the beginning of chapter 26 to speak about Celia Foote?

4. What list does Mrs. Phelan start writing for Skeeter with the understanding that she is dying?

5. In chapter 27, why does Skeeter claim she continues to go to League meetings?

(see the answer keys)

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