The Heavenly Man: The Remarkable True Story of Chinese Christian Brother Yun Test | Final Test - Medium

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 127 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

The Heavenly Man: The Remarkable True Story of Chinese Christian Brother Yun Test | Final Test - Medium

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 127 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 5 multiple choice questions, 5 short answer questions, and 10 short essay questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. What verse was cited in that day's devotional?
(a) John 19:11.
(b) Luke 8:22.
(c) Matthew 12:3.
(d) John 11:19.

2. Why did Yun feel that the Church in China was not complacent?
(a) Because they had no Bibles.
(b) Because they were in hiding.
(c) Because of persecution.
(d) Because there were not many Christians.

3. What was it that was helpful in thwarting the efforts of the tracking dogs who were hunting Yun?
(a) The dogs had been poisoned.
(b) Too many prisoners escaped.
(c) A huge storm.
(d) Yun escaped in a river.

4. What reason does Isaac give for being tormented at school?
(a) Because his clothes were worn out.
(b) Because his mother had to work in the fields.
(c) Because he was a Christian.
(d) Because he was Yun's son.

5. What word did Yun use to describe the Western church?
(a) Complacent.
(b) Free.
(c) Lucky.
(d) Rich.

Short Answer Questions

1. Where was Yun when he heard his mother died?

2. Who was Father Yu?

3. For how long was he sent to Da'an Prison Camp?

4. After Yun's beatings in prison in 1997, how did he get to the torture chamber for more beatings?

5. How did Yun get a passport?

Short Essay Questions

1. What was it about his family visiting Yun in prison that made this prison stay so difficult for him?

2. In Chapter Twenty-One, Deling was jailed with Yun. How did their children avoid being taken by the government?

3. Describe Yun's reaction to the "Back To Jerusalem" vision that was passed on to Yun by another missionary.

4. In Chapter Fifteen, Yun met Father Yu at the prison camp. Who was he and what did he do upon his own release?

5. In Chapter Eighteen, how did Yun and Chaun become "unofficial pastors" of the prison?

6. While Yun was in prison, his wife and mother worked their family fields. What did they do, and what was the result?

7. If Yun could not walk due to his severe beatings, how did he escape at all?

8. In Chapter Nineteen, Yun had a realization about family and ministry. What was it?

9. How did the Christians begin to help people who violated the "one child law" as Yun and Deling had?

10. What did Yun say was the difference between the Western church and the Chinese church as far as sermon content?

(see the answer keys)

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