The Heavenly Man: The Remarkable True Story of Chinese Christian Brother Yun Test | Final Test - Easy

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 127 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

The Heavenly Man: The Remarkable True Story of Chinese Christian Brother Yun Test | Final Test - Easy

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 127 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 15 multiple choice questions and 5 short answer questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. Where was Yun when he heard his mother died?
(a) Norway.
(b) China.
(c) Germany.
(d) Canada.

2. Who was presiding over the court?
(a) A judge known for his intolerance for Christianity.
(b) A known Christian sympathizer.
(c) Yun's cousin.
(d) A former guard who beat Yun.

3. For how long was he sent to Da'an Prison Camp?
(a) Six years.
(b) Three years.
(c) Five years.
(d) Four years.

4. When Yun was beaten again after the authorities apprehended him in 1997, where did the tormentors focus their attack?
(a) On Yun's head.
(b) On Yun's hands.
(c) On Yun's legs.
(d) On Yun's back.

5. What did Brother Xu and Brother Musheng have to do with Yun's escape from prison?
(a) They unlocked the gates.
(b) They prayed for Yun's escape.
(c) They hid him.
(d) They took him to safety.

6. What country did Yun go to when he got out of China?
(a) France.
(b) Norway.
(c) Germany.
(d) Canada.

7. Why did the court officials think that Yun may have had a change in attitude?
(a) He said he was sorry.
(b) He wept on the stand.
(c) He was willing to turn in other Christians.
(d) He admitted the items held in evidence were his.

8. How did the Christians react when families violated the One-Child Law and were persecuted?
(a) They ridiculed them publicly.
(b) They report families like law-abiding citizens.
(c) They sent the families out of the country.
(d) They hid expectant mothers and helped the children whenever possible.

9. What happened to Yun's mother when she tried to bring the harvest in?
(a) She was attacked by police.
(b) The cart turned over and she was injured.
(c) She stumbled and broke her foot.
(d) She found a Bible hidden in the field.

10. Why were Deling and Yun's mother ridiculed by their neighbors?
(a) They did not know how to farm correctly.
(b) They seldom had enough to eat.
(c) They did not have a man to take care of them.
(d) Because they were Christians.

11. What verse was cited in that day's devotional?
(a) John 19:11.
(b) John 11:19.
(c) Matthew 12:3.
(d) Luke 8:22.

12. What damaged all the neighbor's crops?
(a) Locusts.
(b) Flooding.
(c) Hail.
(d) Drought.

13. How did Yun escape from prison if he couldn't walk?
(a) He really could walk, but didn't want the guards to know.
(b) God healed his legs prior to the escape.
(c) His friends carried him.
(d) He used a cart.

14. How long was Yun's sentence to the Xinyang Prison Labour Camp?
(a) Four years.
(b) Six months.
(c) Seven years.
(d) Three years.

15. Why did Yun think he was in trouble when called by the prison education director?
(a) Because he had been playing gospel music over the prison loudspeaker.
(b) Because he had spoken out against the guards.
(c) Because someone saw him with a Bible.
(d) Because he had written damaging things in a letter to Deling.

Short Answer Questions

1. What word did Yun use to describe the Western church?

2. What was the vision called that was passed to Yun by a missionary?

3. Why was Yun's life not an easy one after his escape?

4. Why does China have a "one-child law"?

5. According to Yun, what would an average Chinese Christian give in an offering for missions?

(see the answer keys)

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