The Heavenly Man: The Remarkable True Story of Chinese Christian Brother Yun Test | Mid-Book Test - Easy

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 127 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

The Heavenly Man: The Remarkable True Story of Chinese Christian Brother Yun Test | Mid-Book Test - Easy

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 127 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 15 multiple choice questions and 5 short answer questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. What was the name of Yun's baby boy?
(a) Moses.
(b) Isaac.
(c) Jacob.
(d) Abraham.

2. When Yun received a vision to teach, where did God instruct him to go?
(a) Thailand.
(b) Zhengzhou City.
(c) Bejing.
(d) Gao Village.

3. When Yun understood God's purpose, what happened?
(a) The pain and fear were gone.
(b) He tried to escape again.
(c) He was instantly healed.
(d) The prison guards tried to get Yun into a different prison.

4. What caused Yun's family to become destitute and beg for food?
(a) A rice famine.
(b) The cost of medicine.
(c) A tsumani ravaged the area.
(d) Thieves stole everything they owned.

5. At home, while Yun was in prison, what was Deling being urged to do?
(a) Sell her farm.
(b) Come and live at the prison.
(c) Get an abortion.
(d) Preach in the smaller towns.

6. When Yun was arrested in 1981, the car taking him to jail had a flat tire. What happened after that?
(a) Yun prayed and the tire was fixed.
(b) Yun walked the rest of the way.
(c) Yun escaped.
(d) Yun helped to fix the flat.

7. Who was it that tried to come to Yun's aid when he was beaten?
(a) Yun's roomate.
(b) A sympathetic guard.
(c) Yun's brother-in-law.
(d) The prison warden.

8. How long did it take for the Public Security Bureau to discover Yun's true identity?
(a) Four days.
(b) Four months.
(c) One week.
(d) Four weeks.

9. When told of the outcome of the family's prayer, what was the reaction of the friends and family?
(a) They were angry at having been deceived.
(b) They called the police.
(c) Many came to a belief in God.
(d) They didn't believe it.

10. Why was Yun unhappy when he visited Monsen's grave in Norway?
(a) Monsen was a relative to whom he was close.
(b) He was sad over the death of his father.
(c) Monsen had no tombstone and no one cared for her grave.
(d) He was running from police.

11. Yun instead told his captors what?
(a) That Jesus was coming soon and to prepare.
(b) That Christians would never stop preaching.
(c) That prison would not stop him.
(d) He would reflect on his past if he could recouperate.

12. What did the family believe was causing the cancer?
(a) A demon.
(b) Improper diet.
(c) Radiation poisoning.
(d) Bad luck.

13. What reason did Zhang's brother give for this heinous act?
(a) He was depressed.
(b) Buddha was angry with him.
(c) Zhang was persecuting Christians.
(d) Satan was commanding him to do it.

14. Why was Yun's roommate moved to another cell?
(a) The roomate bribed the guards.
(b) The roomate complained about Yun's preaching.
(c) The guards feared for Yun's safety.
(d) The guards realized that he was friendly to Yun.

15. What were Yun's mother and Deling's visions about in Chapter Eleven?
(a) The police were coming.
(b) The death of a friend.
(c) Yun's safety.
(d) Someone who needed help.

Short Answer Questions

1. What news did Deling bring to Yun in prison?

2. What was the "food" Yun told his family that he wanted?

3. Yun's father died in what year?

4. What type of person did the family call for a cure for the cancer?

5. What was the setting of Brother Yun's childhood?

(see the answer keys)

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