The Heartbeat of Wounded Knee Test | Final Test - Medium

David Treuer
This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 157 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

The Heartbeat of Wounded Knee Test | Final Test - Medium

David Treuer
This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 157 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 5 multiple choice questions, 5 short answer questions, and 10 short essay questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. When was the Blackfeet tribal constitution adopted?
(a) 1938.
(b) 1935.
(c) 1942.
(d) 1940.

2. When did Treuer's parents move to Washington, D.C.?
(a) 1966.
(b) 1961.
(c) 1968.
(d) 1963.

3. When did the Winnebago file a claim in the Court of Claims?
(a) 1928.
(b) 1925.
(c) 1936.
(d) 1931.

4. What Indian tribe lives in Browning, Montana.
(a) Apache.
(b) Iroquois Nation.
(c) Blackfeet Nation.
(d) Arapaho.

5. How long had the Blackfeet been trading with Europeans when they met their first Americans?
(a) Around 80 years.
(b) 90 years.
(c) 60 years.
(d) Better part of 75 years.

Short Answer Questions

1. Where did David Schildt go to college?

2. When did the Seminole Tribe in Florida open tax-free cigarette stores on reservation land?

3. How long was the protest on the edge of the Standing Rock Reservation against the construction of the Dakota Access Pipeline?

4. How much did leeches sell for per pound at the time Treuer talked with Bob Matthews?

5. How long was Stan Jones a member of the tribal council at Tulalip?

Short Essay Questions

1. When did President Lyndon Johnson declare a war on poverty, and what was significant about his remarks?

2. How did Raymond Yellow Thunder die, and what did his attackers get for his murder?

3. What information did Treuer share about his mother?

4. What did Indian tribes get when Helen Bryan and her husband sued regarding property taxes?

5. What happened in 1992 that brought protests of Columbus and other issues?

6. Where is Bob Matthews' office when he and Treuer meet and why?

7. How did Eddy Pablo make a living?

8. How did Treuer believe that what it meant to be Indian was changing?

9. When and why was the first blood-quantum law passed in Virginia?

10. What is the makeup of the Tulalip Reservation, and when was it established?

(see the answer keys)

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