The Heart of the Buddha's Teaching Test | Final Test - Easy

Nhat Hanh
This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 126 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

The Heart of the Buddha's Teaching Test | Final Test - Easy

Nhat Hanh
This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 126 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 15 multiple choice questions and 5 short answer questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. Hanh suggests meditating mindfully on what parts of the body?
(a) The inner parts.
(b) The outer parts.
(c) The organs.
(d) Each part.

2. What is the foundation of Buddhism?
(a) Enlightenment.
(b) The Twelve Links of Interdependent Co-Arising.
(c) The Four Noble Truths.
(d) Suffering.

3. The ____________ Dharma seals of Buddha's teaching are: impermanence, nonself and nirvana.
(a) Four.
(b) Three.
(c) Five.
(d) Six.

4. Incorrect perceptions are conditioned by the afflictions in us of what?
(a) Ignorance, fear, hurt, and pain.
(b) Ignorance, craving, hatred, anger, and jealousy.
(c) Fear, hurt, pain, and uncertainty.
(d) Crazing, hatred, anger, and pain.

5. Finding a way to earn a living that does not conflict with love and compassion can do what?
(a) Bring peace and quiet.
(b) Bring joy and peace.
(c) Either bring pain or fear.
(d) Either bring joy or suffering.

6. What must we realize about everything?
(a) It is empty of a separate self.
(b) It has a separate self.
(c) It is often a part of the self.
(d) It is part of the self.

7. What is the second of the Five Faculties?
(a) Insight or wisdom.
(b) Mindfulness.
(c) Diligence.
(d) Faith in something reliable.

8. Happiness and beauty lie where?
(a) In our actions.
(b) In our hearts.
(c) In our bodies.
(d) In our minds.

9. Emptiness must be _____________, not just as philosophy.
(a) Forgotten.
(b) Remembered.
(c) Practiced.
(d) Memorized.

10. The third condition requires what?
(a) Someone or some thing.
(b) Development.
(c) Creative force, concurrent condition, seed condition of the same kind, associated condition, universal condition and ripening condition.
(d) Consistent and continuous practice.

11. When we recognize suffering and look deeply into it, we are practicing what?
(a) Right Diligence, Right Action, Right Thoughtfulness, and Right View.
(b) Right Thinking, Right Thoughtfulness, Right Compassion, and Right Concentration.
(c) Right Concentration, Right Contraction, Right Mindfulness, and Right Compassion.
(d) Right View, Right Thinking, Right Mindfulness and Right Concentration.

12. The Sarvastivada school defined how many conditions?
(a) Three.
(b) Five.
(c) Four.
(d) Two.

13. What is a paramita?
(a) A fear.
(b) An imperfect being.
(c) A parasite.
(d) Perfection or perfect realization.

14. What is signlessness?
(a) Confusion.
(b) Sadness.
(c) Feelings of loss.
(d) Signs are deception and illusion.

15. Mindfulness, investigation of phenomena, diligence, joy, ease, concentration and letting go are the seven factors of what?
(a) The Wheel of Dharma.
(b) Sangha.
(c) Awakening or enlightenment.
(d) The Four Noble Truths.

Short Answer Questions

1. Composing or performing art can be what?

2. Right livelihood is what?

3. The second is the condition for what?

4. How can we apply the teachings?

5. We can look deeply into the Five Aggregates, and remember the reality of what?

(see the answer keys)

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