The Heart of the Buddha's Teaching Quiz | Four Week Quiz A

Nhat Hanh
This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 126 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

The Heart of the Buddha's Teaching Quiz | Four Week Quiz A

Nhat Hanh
This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 126 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This quiz consists of 5 multiple choice and 5 short answer questions through Chapter Ten.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. The practice of the Five Mindfulness Trainings addresses what?
(a) The "bad" we ingest.
(b) The "goods" we ingest.
(c) The nutriments.
(d) The "good" we ingest.

2. What is the second turning?
(a) Realization.
(b) Encouragement.
(c) Acceptance.
(d) Ignorance.

3. Are any views the absolute truth?
(a) Yes, some.
(b) Yes, only a few.
(c) Yes, many.
(d) No.

4. Why does Hanh suggest the reader to write the words, "Are you sure?" where they can be seen, and "What am I doing?"
(a) To remind us to release thinking and be in the present moment.
(b) To remind us we are wrong.
(c) To remind us to never be too sure.
(d) To remind us to question ourselves.

5. Looking deeply into our suffering and writing down what nutriments we are feeding to sustain takes what?
(a) Meditation and patience.
(b) Patience and self-control.
(c) Courage and strength.
(d) Courage and mindfulness.

Short Answer Questions

1. What example of being present and mindful does the author use, which gives the work merit?

2. "Bodhichitta" is what?

3. Another misunderstanding is that our suffering is caused by ________________.

4. We need to do what to become free of perceptions and be able to see things as they are?

5. Suffering, its recognition, making, and the path out of it are all ___________, as are the Four Noble Truths.

(see the answer key)

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