The Haunting of Hajji Hotak and Other Stories Test | Final Test - Medium

Jamil Jan Kochai
This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 114 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

The Haunting of Hajji Hotak and Other Stories Test | Final Test - Medium

Jamil Jan Kochai
This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 114 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 5 multiple choice questions, 5 short answer questions, and 10 short essay questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. In "Saba's Story," when does Agha's family move to America?
(a) 1982.
(b) 1992.
(c) 1999.
(d) 1985.

2. In "The Parable of the Goats," which mountain range is the story set near?
(a) The Cascades.
(b) The Smokies.
(c) The Black Mountains.
(d) The Falls.

3. In "Occupational Hazards," where is the person whose life is being recorded a High School Student?
(a) Chicago.
(b) Miami.
(c) Toronto.
(d) Deh-Naw, Logar.

4. In "The Parable of the Goats," where does Billy go with the other goats?
(a) Tunnels and worlds in the ground.
(b) Peshawar.
(c) Iraq.
(d) Berlin.

5. In "Saba's Story," what does Agha find buried in Afghanistan?
(a) A Russian "green parrot" mine.
(b) A ring.
(c) A bar of old chocolate.
(d) A metal detector.

Short Answer Questions

1. In "The Parable of the Goats," who is Merzagul's wife?

2. In "Saba's Story," What does Agha use to try to find the treasure in Afghanistan?

3. In "The Tale of Dully's Reversion," who is Shakao's favorite cousin?

4. In "The Parable of the Goats," what does Billy find on his wound when he comes to?

5. In "The Tale of Dully's Reversion," where does Dully live with his family?

Short Essay Questions

1. What are some of the difficulties of the family when they first move to America in "Occupational Hazards"?

2. In "Parable of the Goats," why does Billy's plane crash?

3. Who first finds Billy unconscious in the tree in "Parable of the Goats"?

4. What animals are attracted to Merzagul that he takes care of in "Parable of the Goats"?

5. Who finds out why Agha really wants the narrator to come to Afghanistan in "Saba's Story"?

6. How does Billy actually die in "Parable of the Goats"?

7. What format is the story "Occupational Hazards" told in?

8. What does Saba in "Saba's Story" eventually tell the narrator when he asks for her version of the parrot in the orchard?

9. In "Saba's Story," What does Agha think the gold nugget may have been used for?

10. What do the young children in "Waiting for Gulbuddin" role-play?

(see the answer keys)

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