The Haunting of Hajji Hotak and Other Stories Test | Mid-Book Test - Easy

Jamil Jan Kochai
This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 114 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

The Haunting of Hajji Hotak and Other Stories Test | Mid-Book Test - Easy

Jamil Jan Kochai
This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 114 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 15 multiple choice questions and 5 short answer questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. What does Nabeela say she thinks about Ricky when she finally replies to the narrator years after Ricky's death in In "Hungry Ricky Daddy"?
(a) She is going to become a teacher now.
(b) She can not remember Ricky.
(c) She is dying herself.
(d) She thought Ricky looked beautiful in death.

2. In "Return to Sender," where does the family live?
(a) California.
(b) Toronto.
(c) Chicago.
(d) Kabul.

3. In "Bakhtawara and Miriam," who is Bakhtawara's cousin?
(a) Atal.
(b) Hajji.
(c) Nabi.
(d) Ricky.

4. In "Playing Metal Gear," what weapon injures the main character's avatar in the game?
(a) Machete.
(b) Nunchucks.
(c) Rope.
(d) Gun.

5. In "Playing Metal Gear," where does the main character's older brother go to school?
(a) University of Chicgao.
(b) Sac State.
(c) Berkeley.
(d) University of Phoenix.

6. In "Playing Metal Gear," where does the main character buy the game?
(a) Best Buy.
(b) GameStop.
(c) He does not buy it, he borrows it.
(d) Online.

7. What kind of car does Rangeena drive in "Enough!"?
(a) Hyundai.
(b) Robo.
(c) Civic.
(d) Ford.

8. In "Return to Sender," who is the son?
(a) Frederick.
(b) Richard.
(c) Henry.
(d) Ismael.

9. In "Bakhtawara and Miriam," what kind of soul does Bakhtawara know Zarghoona does not possess?
(a) That of a friend.
(b) That of a mother.
(c) That of a sister.
(d) That of a martyr.

10. In "Bakhtawara and Miriam," who is the sister who leaves her engagement?
(a) Bakhtawara.
(b) Miriam.
(c) Zarghoona.
(d) Helen.

11. In "Hungry Ricky Daddy," who are the roomates from Logar?
(a) Ismael and Bari.
(b) Rishim and Ismael.
(c) Ricky, the narrator, and Mahmood.
(d) Ricky and Nabeela.

12. In "Hungry Ricky Daddy," where does Nabeela move to get married?
(a) Palestine.
(b) Toronto.
(c) Chicago.
(d) Ricardo.

13. In "Bakhtawara and Miriam," who slaps someone else's child at the wedding?
(a) Ricky.
(b) Hajji.
(c) Miss Lakhta.
(d) Helen.

14. In "Bakhtawara and Miriam," how do Miriam and Bakhtawara usually speak with each other?
(a) By radio.
(b) By computer.
(c) Through the hole in the wall.
(d) On the phone.

15. In "Hungry Ricky Daddy," what is Ricky's real name?
(a) Abubakr Salem.
(b) Nabeela.
(c) Rashim.
(d) Hajhi Hotak.

Short Answer Questions

1. In "Bakhtawara and Miriam," who is Bakhtawara's mother?

2. In "Hungry Ricky Daddy," who attacks the twins in the apartment war?

3. In "Hungry Ricky Daddy," why does Ricky release a social media video?

4. Who is the main character in "Enough!"?

5. What tree does the main character's avatar hide in in In "Playing Metal Gear"?

(see the answer keys)

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