The Happy Hooker Quiz | Eight Week Quiz G

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 123 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

The Happy Hooker Quiz | Eight Week Quiz G

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 123 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This quiz consists of 5 multiple choice and 5 short answer questions through Chapter 17, Abe the Bugger.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. What were most of the prostitutes' favorite age group when it came to their clients?
(a) 40-50.
(b) 20-30.
(c) 30-40.
(d) 18-25.

2. Who stated they did not want a serious relationship with Xaviera in "Chapter 15, For Pleasure More Than Profit"?
(a) Carl.
(b) Junior.
(c) Paul.
(d) Evelyn John.

3. What type of call did Murray make to the people who were blackmailing Xaviera?
(a) Hopeful.
(b) Pleading.
(c) Cryptic.
(d) Demanding.

4. What rumor was spread about Xaviera at her job at the Dutch Consulate in "Chapter 5, What's A Girl Like Me?"
(a) She was being deported.
(b) She was an illegal immigrant.
(c) She was dating her boss.
(d) She was a prostitute.

5. Customers who wanted elaborate scenes during their services with Xaviera were willing to do what?
(a) Come back again.
(b) Anything.
(c) Pay extravagant amounts.
(d) Tell their friends about Xaviera's business.

Short Answer Questions

1. Who did Xaviera call when she was arrested for the first time?

2. Whose approval of Carl was given when Xaviera went home to meet her family after Carl asked her to marry him?

3. What was the name of Xaviera's childhood friend, whom she was obsessed with?

4. How did Xaviera base what she charged her customers for her services?

5. What did Xaviera refer to when she said the line, "ships passing in the night", in "Chapter 16, Ships in the Night"?

(see the answer key)

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