The Haj Test | Final Test - Easy

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 119 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

The Haj Test | Final Test - Easy

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 119 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 15 multiple choice questions and 5 short answer questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. What religion does Charles Maan practice?
(a) Judaism.
(b) None.
(c) Christianity.
(d) Islam.

2. What will happen if the Jews attack the Egyptians?
(a) They will anger the Arabs.
(b) They will clearly lose.
(c) They won't receive American aid.
(d) They will easily increase Israel's size.

3. What do Ishmael, Sabri, and Nada agree to do when Sabri is caught with Nada?
(a) Tell Ibrahim.
(b) Let Nada decide what is best.
(c) Give Sabri a chance to explain himself.
(d) Not tell Ibrahim.

4. What is the fedayeen?
(a) A militant Jewish group.
(b) A militant Arab group.
(c) The congress of Jordan.
(d) A branch of the United Nations.

5. While staying in the refugee camp in Jericho, why does Ibrahim go into town every day?
(a) To steal supplies.
(b) To find a Jew to talk to Gideon.
(c) To try to make money.
(d) To look for work for Ishmael.

6. Why does Ibrahim go to the Latrun rooftop?
(a) To find an escape route.
(b) To look at Tabah.
(c) To take a nap.
(d) To build a new tent.

7. In Part 4, Chapter 8, whose generation is described as "the generation of liberation"?
(a) Nada's.
(b) Jamil's
(c) Ishmael's future son's.
(d) Ibrahim's.

8. In Part 4, Chapter 5, how many Arabs does Ben-Gurion agree to let return home?
(a) Ten thousand.
(b) One hundred thousand.
(c) Fifty thousand.
(d) One thousand.

9. How does Nada describe the woman she works for?
(a) A backwards Arab woman.
(b) A modern Arab woman.
(c) A tyrant.
(d) A horrible mother.

10. Who does Ibrahim send away so he won't have to become part of the Jordanian army?
(a) Ishmael.
(b) Omar.
(c) Sabri.
(d) Kamal.

11. What does Ibrahim discuss with Sheik Taji and Charles Maan?
(a) Moving to England.
(b) Starting a war with Jordan.
(c) Control over Palestine.
(d) Egypt's tyranny.

12. In Part 5, Chapter 1, who takes care of Ishmael while his father is away?
(a) Kamal.
(b) The Bedouin.
(c) Gideon.
(d) Sabri.

13. What does Nada do when Ishmael catches her with Sabri?
(a) She threatens to kill him.
(b) She hits him with a wrench.
(c) She runs away.
(d) She cries.

14. How does Ursula kill a Persian guest before Ibrahim kills Kabir?
(a) She stabs him.
(b) She drowns him.
(c) She shoots him.
(d) She poisons him.

15. Who does Ibrahim get a job for after the United Nations gave him a committee position at the refugee camps?
(a) Kamal.
(b) Ishmael.
(c) Gideon.
(d) Omar.

Short Answer Questions

1. What is Nuri Mudhil a professor of?

2. In Part 3, Chapter 6, what does Ibrahim come to realize about Tabah?

3. In Part 4, Chapter 17, why do Ibrahim and Hagar earn new respect?

4. Who is Abu Rommel?

5. Where is the refugee camp Ibrahim's former villager's want Ibrahim to go to?

(see the answer keys)

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