The Habit of Being: Letters Test | Final Test - Medium

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 119 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

The Habit of Being: Letters Test | Final Test - Medium

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 119 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 5 multiple choice questions, 5 short answer questions, and 10 short essay questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. At this point in the book, it is clear ____________________.
(a) That Flannery is getting married.
(b) That Flannery is very ill.
(c) That Flannery is tired of writing.
(d) What type of information Flannery shares with which people.

2. What health improvement does Flannery have in February of 1964?
(a) Her T cell count improved.
(b) She is gaining a little weight back.
(c) Her cancer is in remission.
(d) Her blood count improved.

3. In the first letter of this section, Flannery writes that she and Maryat are both _______________.
(a) Spinsters.
(b) Doing better.
(c) Writers.
(d) Stubborn.

4. Flannery has fears that her books _______________________.
(a) Will not be controversial.
(b) Will not be bestsellers.
(c) Will not be understood.
(d) Will be controversial.

5. How did Flannery deal with her illness in her letters?
(a) She ignored it.
(b) She whined a lot.
(c) She asked for help.
(d) She kept an upbeat attitude.

Short Answer Questions

1. For what gift does Flannery thank the Fitzgeralds?

2. Flannery urges Maryat Lee to improve her writing by ___________________.

3. Sally's comments influence the reader to understand that Flannery will work a lot more __________________.

4. On what holiday does Flannery write to "A" to tell her that she is sick in bed?

5. What does Flannery tell "A" is "A's" only character flaw?

Short Essay Questions

1. How does Sally Fitzgerald's being a friend of Flannery's enriched the experience of the letters for the reader?

2. What information does Flannery share about the god, Thor, in one of her letters to John Hawkes?

3. Explain how Flannery's humble work mirrors her simple lifestyle.

4. What pattern begins to emerge in the letters regarding the addressees?

5. How does Flannery describe her writing process?

6. What is known about Flannery's romantic or personal life as revealed through her letters?

7. What is the title of this Part and why is it significant?

8. How is Flannery's health as the year 1963 comes to a close?

9. What is Flannery's perspective on helping other writers?

10. What outstanding quality emerges when looking at the length of time span for the letters?

(see the answer keys)

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